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Everything posted by Frann

  1. LOL should be an interesting game though.
  2. Toulon and Marseille have decided to take each other on in a battle-of-the-sports pre-season friendly. Which might just mean that Joey Barton could find himself in a line-up against 15 angry men... The rugby club and the football team will clash on July 17 at Toulon's Stade Mayol stadium. There will be a half of rugby, a half of football - although quite how an overall winner will be established is a bit less clear. As for the referees, who else would be appropriate than Manchester United legend Eric Cantona, and former France rugby head coach Marc Lievremont? The match, bi
  3. Ive been saying the same thing on many a forum for years. Nothing changes. I don't know what it will take anymore.
  4. that pic just about sums it up. Worrying.
  5. Laverbread too I LOVE it. Richard Burton called it the Welsh caviar and he wasn't wrong.
  6. 1920 Tour de France and they were smoking lol
  7. Those stovies sound nice
  8. according to wiki Stovies are a Scottish dish. Recipes and ingredients vary widely, but the dish always contains potatoes and, variously, onions, leftover roast beef, corned beef, minced beef or other meat.
  9. Since when were our police arresting people for laying flowers but not arresting or deporting Islamic extremists for saying "UK police burn in hell" etc?
  10. both arrested for obstructing the police 2 blokes on a charity walk for a little girl with cancer who wanted to lay flowers at the spot Lee Rigby was murdered. what the hell is this country turning into Mind boggling
  11. Tommy Robinson just been carted off in handcuffs near Aldgate East station.
  12. And we're far too lenient on the perps when/if we catch them. Most of the time its a piddling fine which isn't going to deter anyone
  13. Nothings going to change with this lot in power, they're only interested in helping themselves!
  14. Frann


    You want to hear my west Walian accent mun
  15. Few (too Many) drinks time!

    1. walshie


      What number does it have to be to be "too many?" lol

  16. I'm watching some half men, half horses with tennis rackets. Turns out I bought Centaur Court tickets by mistake.
  17. If a dog bit one of those Islamist extemists it would probably die of venom the amount of toxic bile they spout
  18. Frann

    Wtf ??

    Lot of the posters underneath talk of reporting the pic but does anything actually happen when you report stuff on FB?
  19. If you go on American or Australian forums Andy is seen soley as British. This little island he's from? His part might be Scottish but to outsiders its seen on the whole as Britain. Im behind him
  20. Frann

    Local Lads.

    Real punishment is right. If we're not willing to bring back the hangman then lock the dirty beggars up for LIFE.
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