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Everything posted by Frann

  1. This one is lush i 60g/2oz shallots, chopped 50g/2oz butter pinch of salt 400g/14oz wild mushrooms, trimmed (or 250g/9oz dried mushrooms) 570ml/1 pint water 290ml/½ pint chicken stock salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 50g/2oz butter Sweat the shallots in the butter with a pinch of salt for 3 minutes. Do not let them colour. Add the mushrooms and continue to sweat for 5 minutes. Now add the water and chicken stock (replace the chicken stock with water for vegetarians). Bring to the boil and reduce to a simmer. Cook out f
  2. Finally fridy, lets have a drink.

    1. .WARREN.
    2. walshie


      Don't forget my crisps.

  3. Was a big drinker, hence the liver cancer. Not 'sticking up' for the man but at least he was honest in not wanting a liver transplant and telling the hospital to give it to someone more deserving. Unlike other famous folk who take it and drink on. I never aspired to a criminal life but fair play to Chopper on that.
  4. Good eating: "Towards the end of December 1870, we had the greatest difficulty making up menus that were fairly 'suitable,'" declared the famous chef, Thomas Genin (he died in 1887). "There was scarcely anyting to be had but horse. Beef and veal had long since disappeared. Mutton had been replaced by dog which was sold by chicken dealers, and rats were substituted for young rabbits. Cat was considered a rare tidbit. The rat was repulsive to the touch but its flesh of tremendous quality: delicate by not too insipid. Well seasoned, it is perfect,. "I have served grilled rats a 'pigeons a la crap
  5. No disrespect to Big Frank but saw this and it made me laugh - Frank Bruno has pleaded with Lewis to follow in his footsteps and play widow Twankey in Christmas panto instead
  6. http://youtu.be/4NnvUjozzQM
  7. In need of slight repair
  8. At last, someone using Youtube to film something interesting. Great vid mate.
  9. Thanks for posting mate, will watch this
  10. Frann


    Days of Wine and Roses. Movie about alcoholism, powerful film
  11. Good on the 'Hammers' Im no football expert but can they be top of the bill this season? Genuinely interested. Is there a change with the top clubs?
  12. http://youtu.be/nkqfa-kaRFM
  13. So what did the fox say? lol
  14. Attributed to some officer during the American civil war: "Don't worry men, they couldn't hit a barn door at this dist....."
  15. So this is real? FFS what are we turning into?
  16. It'll be a hit like that crazy frog and gangnam style rubbish. Its one of those annoying catchy songs
  17. Congrats, might as well have a few pints in his honour then
  18. Do you lads think Facebook/Twitter has much to do with posters not posting as much? Not this forum so much but others that used to be bristling with activity are now dead and im sure social media killed them off because the ex members (the ones I 'friended' ) are now happily chatting away on Facebook. Don't notice it here though, I always find this forum is busy
  19. Cant you just not answer Moxy? Ive only answered my phone once in the 8 years since I moved here and when I heard an Indian voice I asked "is that my food ready?" everyone I know rings my mobile.
  20. why was Tesco's closed? Nah, just young and stupid LOL Not something Id ever recommend and lesson learned
  21. Im surprised this hasn't happened in my hometown. We have a rail crossing and you see idiots jump the barrier all the time just to avoid waiting 5 mins for the train to pass
  22. I tried a mole once. That didn't end well
  23. "Rat is widely eaten in Guangdong, southern China, and is used in soups as well as being stewed or braised." Wonder what it tastes like? I'd try it to be honest, Id be too curious not to be tempted
  24. I hope when this shower are voted out next election, that its a loooong time before they ever get back in power Some of the stuff they came up with is just heartless, hearing stories of genuine disabled folk killing themselves over worrying over that ATOS mob
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