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Everything posted by Frann

  1. Frann

    Lenny Vs Roy

    Thanks lads for the replies. Interesting. And Hot Meat, I guess these guys were natural fighters. I read somewhere, and this could be utter bullshyte, that Roy Shaw used to fight Rottweilers. a book I had once he said he put his fist down one dogs throat and pulled his lungs out could be just words to sell a book but he sounded serious at the time. (That's it it, I remember now, he told the story on the old Talk Radio before it was called Talk Sport)
  2. It wasn't Caldy (Caldy the Seagull is my alter ego over on Twitter, im like Rod Hull mun )
  3. this on now? I never have the tv on so too lazy to check
  4. Frann

    Lenny Vs Roy

    Wonder if they could have made it in legal boxing? Suppose more discipline is needed? I know bog all about it lol but its strangely intriguing to watch guys without fear
  5. If I was in an Arab jail, wonder what would happen if I started trying to conver the arabs to Christianity
  6. What are you chaps thoughts on this? Im genuinely interested, much better than the old lion versus dog threads lol Both hard men, http://youtu.be/oYEA0oo5S9w
  7. bacon and beer: new blog up :)



      Jesus - you write almost 40 different blogs.....where do you find the time...that's mind bloggling...!!!!

  8. my bad he'll be out soon though
  9. What an amazing a$$ Burlesque Dancer Twerks To Beethoven, Which Is As Amazing As It Sounds http://www.cosmopolitan.com/celebrity/news/twerk-buthoven-twerk?src=soc_twtr
  10. Glad theyre still about. Im a big fan of keeping traditions. In my local market theres a butchers stall selling delicious pork sarnies, cooked off the hob fresh. Right next to his stall is a Muzzie stall flogging carpets/clothes lol You can see the distaste in their eyes with all that cooked swine Im sure the council were having a laugh when they sorted out those pitches lol
  11. Remembering Aberfan, my thoughts are with you xx

    1. foxtails
    2. Bootsha


      i'm with you on that one Frann, musthave been similar weather and all for that to happen. God Rest Them All.x

    3. Astanley


      affected me badly when I was a kid , a lot of those children were the same age , god bless them all

  12. watch out believers! Im on the bacon!

  13. Yes And they quit bacon for this! BACON and beer . Me ?I love beer, made out of bacon
  14. From what ive been reading online, the Tubby Isaacs stalls closed down in June after something like 90 years? Is this true? Id love to try them.
  15. Still cant see the attraction in no beer or bacon. Prison by f**k? No greater prison than denying yourself a couple of life's miracles. Bacon and beer!
  16. No bacon or beer. FFS what a waste. Still, more for me !
  17. Do the Muzzies get extra privileges inside?
  18. Sky News reports today that increasing numbers of British inmates are being bullied into converting to Islam while in jail – and in a survey to be published next month by the national newspaper for prisoners Converse, 36% of those reponding to the newspaper’s survey said they had been threatened during their sentence if they did not convert to Islam – and 18% said they had actually been physically attacked for not doing do. http://t.co/qAOMxK8Miy
  19. Sunday slow roasting lamb...beats a hangover

  20. All good British grub and tradition...Im glad its being preserved http://youtu.be/eZrDSg4i0LE
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