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Everything posted by Frann

  1. Frann

    J F K ??

    Don't care about some yank. 50 years ago CS Lewis died, and Aldous Huxley RIP
  2. Only a matter of time And those will sell quicker than the latest Xbox or whatever
  3. I have Nexus 7 (not the 2013 version) but theres not that much of a difference between the older version (in my opinion) and you could get it for under £200. As others have said, its a really good tablet. Go onto some techie sites and geeks rate it very highly. Its proper smart
  4. Bloke who put it on twitter said it was on a lead
  5. great stuff, time to celebrate
  6. Wales win, yeah! Beer!

  7. At a shopping arcade in Stoke Newington
  8. Local butcher just started selling squirrel again. I love it but does anyone have any different recipes other than stews etc? Ive found some wonderful ideas on here since joining so figured was worth asking. Cheers
  9. Had roast duck earlier, it was ace.

    1. PIL


      Almost as bad. As walshie's .lol

    2. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Okay. Right over my f**king head!


      Could somebody explain, please? Slowly .....


    3. walshie


      I reckon he had roast duck and PIL thought it was a joke.

  10. No one like those geniuses Cyrus and Bieber here? lol
  11. Texas Scientists Given Green Light To Use Sex Offenders For Medical Research http://nationalreport.net/texas-scientists-given-green-light-touse-sex-offenders-medical-research/
  12. I went to a service in Swansea. Packed to the rafters it was. NEVER FORGET!
  13. Welsh rugby and beers!

    1. R.A.W


      Don't forget the tears.lol......we'll get there

  14. Frann

    Chavy Scum

    Apparently she's in the slammer whatever happened. From another site: " Coral Millerchip pleaded guilty to assault and causing actual bodily harm t Warwick Crown Court. She has spent several weeks in custody, and will remain in custody until she is sentenced."
  15. Frann


    Great that is fair play. Ive seen a lot worse flogging these kind of paintings in the market. I agree with others, she could sell these easily
  16. Ive not been following this story but how did this story get out? Shouldn't it have stayed in Afganistan? Someone grassed him up?
  17. Peter Fatialofa RIP

  18. Its obscene. India is spending billions on a space programme but many of the population are in poverty!! Why can't they help their own people out instead of relying on aid from us and other Nations!
  19. Horrible way to die RIP
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