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Everything posted by Frann

  1. I don't believe us Brits are spineless, we have the best military in the world for one. As previously said, its our politicians sending us down the river. If we had a decent leader, a man FOR Britain who could unite us again (instead of bickering over who wants independence lol) I m of the belief Britain could start kicking azz and be Great again. I know I might be called a little 'Britainer' and foolish but never fear, I wont stop believing in this country. Go on any Yank forum they are always this passionate about the US. I do admire that about them.
  2. Spot on JohnnyBoy, I looked on IMDb movie site after posting (should have looked before lol) and it was indeed Roy Kinnear
  3. Wasn't he the fat guy in Hawk the Slayer ? (a British movie with Jack Palance)
  4. Frann

    Mandela Dies

    I just realised, Mandela looks like uncle Ben lol
  5. Frann


    Tell him to follow @ CaldytheSeagull help you chaps get to Brazil
  6. Frann

    Ride A Goat

    Dirty fecker. A GOAT FFS Sheep are fine mind
  7. Frann

    Forum Problems

    Click the link in IanB's post mate
  8. Frann

    Mandela Dies

    As THL's official obituary guy I'll give you some funeral guests : Obama and missus, Dodgy Dai Cameron, Bill Clinton, prince Charles, Oprah and who guessed it, Bono
  9. Frann

    Forum Problems

    Only problem I have is I cant post links.
  10. Frann

    Mandela Dies

    Ive had to turn the radio off. Its neverending mun, like the Queen had died.
  11. Cawl for dinner!

    1. johnny boy68

      johnny boy68

      Having soup then is it butt.lol

  12. Ive spoken to Phil Bennett on numerous occasions (he even visited me in hospital) and I have pcs of us in Carms pubs so I know this quote was said with a degree of respect. and winding up lol But its a great quote ! "Look what these ba$tards have done to Wales. They've taken our coal, water and steel. They buy our homes and live in them for a fortnight every year. What have they given us? Absolutely nothing. We've been exploited, raped and controlled by the English - and that's who you are playing this afternoon." Phil Bennett
  13. Frann

    Mandela Dies

    Gordon Brown is on BBC five live saying how much a saint he was.
  14. Frann

    Mandela Dies

    Pic doing the Facebook rounds of "Hang Mandela" saying Dodgy Dave Cameron helped create the poster. Not sure if true or not
  15. Frann

    The Wind

    Some guy lost a wheel.
  16. As I keep saying on Yahoo news stories (so if you ever see it its mine ) : a Britain for Britons! Its the only way.
  17. Frann

    The Wind

    2 dead now im hearing.
  18. Frann

    The Wind

    No much wind but heavy rain. the pictures across Britain are mental, stay safe lads and lasses
  19. the only thing you can be sure about when a politician opens his mouth is that he's breathing
  20. Frann


    yup nobody, having a pop at you Dave, this is a really great forum, one of the best, welcome aboard, look forward to your posts
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