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Everything posted by Frann

  1. quite fancy Chinese tonight too lol
  2. never tried snipe, fancy the cooking in bacon idea though.
  3. Frann


    meant to taste like smoked ham lol
  4. wasn't Tommy Farr a good heavyweight?
  5. Not an expert here, so who was the better boxer? Holyfield? Did tyson resort to biting cos he was losing?
  6. What Wilf said. Ive lived in Texas, where attitudes are very liberal with firearms. Horrifies me if it was like that here. Just thinking about half the idiots in UK , full of Call of Duty fantasies, with guns? F**k that.
  7. Del: We had Denzil in goal, we had Monkey Harris at right back, we had ....we had camaraderie Trigger: Was that the Italian boy?
  8. you beat me to it Socks, was just about to offer Gnasher some home made Welshcakes. Onto the jellied eels , always fancied those myself. We have some great dishes in Blighty, from Wales, England and Scotland. Some really good grub
  9. Frann


    my sled will be faster than any of your sleds
  10. Welshcakes are food of the Gods. Mods, hold my coat...im fighting any clown who says different mun
  11. Im with Paulus here, just leave it up to the farmer
  12. Slightly off topic but I remember in Los Angeles once, there was a shop selling donkey meat and it turned out it was really fox meat. Folk had been eating it for months, nobody sussed. Donkey and fox meat. Who knew?
  13. Frann

    Mark Duggan

    I haven't read through 10 pages so don't know if its been mentioned (apologies if it has) but wonder what would happen if it turned out the copper who shot him was black
  14. yep I had one too, I was the Green Goblin good days!
  15. Great pics. Ive been to the Falls and its an eerie place in my opinion, theres definitely something creepy about it. Perhaps the awesome might of nature? Who knows but they look even more daunting now though lol still cool though
  16. good advice there Pete ~ don't let the bas***** grind you down
  17. Frann


    you have to love your dart, like a pint of beer.
  18. Frann


    Best learning your own grip, I aim like one would drink tea (raised pinky lol) and am great at it but most would disagree
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