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Everything posted by Frann

  1. No biggie hunting wolf in north America, as Newkid said, depends where you live. Wonder what it tastes like?
  2. A joke. I used to work in a butchers and we had all sorts hanging outside. Small town, nobody ever complained. Doubt you'd see it in bigger places in case a veggie accidently brushed by a dead bunny or something as they were shopping. How is it offensive? Im not upset seeing nut cutlets in Tesco. lol
  3. No offence, wasn't really aimed at you Stanley just my two shillings (or inks) worth
  4. I have one sleeve, just a personal thing. I like it, couldn't care less what anyone else thinks. Plenty of things I don't understand but other folk enjoy it so more power to them. I don't think it makes me look 'hard'. Its just a bit of ink on me arms. I simply like the work
  5. what a cracking game, well done to both teams.
  6. Well done the Scots, what a game. And no Malt, no PSN addy, I felt enough of a fool asking him to show the console off lol
  7. Look who I bumped into earlier getting PS4 in Carmarthen earlier
  8. I prefer rabbit in a simple buttie with brown sauce myself, though im partial to a curried bunny too
  9. I don't hunt anymore so general section.
  10. Im Welsh but we're better TOGETHER, Brit and proud
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