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Everything posted by Frann

  1. LOL Great pic Did anyone see that video doing the rounds a few months ago of the pelican eating a pigeon in London? Its probably on Youtube. Was amazing to see
  2. Frann

    Giant Rats

    Ratzilla that's not a rat, its Manuels hamster from Fawlty Towers
  3. Amazing. Brought a tear to my eye did that. I love my music (headbanging or not lol) and cant imagine losing my hearing. Great video.
  4. Wouldn't fancy roadkill badger but if it was legal and hunted like rabbit etc, I'd eat it. I tried all sorts in America inc rattlesnake, and open to try most of Gods critters Wasn' t badger ham popular in this country years ago?
  5. Brittania rules the waves Proud of our Navy !
  6. Farage has won it by a whisker according to lbc worm (internet tracker thingy)
  7. I still reckon Milliband missed a trick here, if he joined in it would have forced Camoron to join the podium too. I would have liked seeing them all in one of these debates.
  8. I forgot about this thread when I started mine Sorry lads! Anyway, on now, in out? Or shake it all about Come on Nige!
  9. Looking forward to the debate tonight on LBC radio (7pm). In or out of Europe. I reckon Farage has all the support but Cleggs no mug in a debate, and he's got experience in matters European. Should be a good listen whatever your thoughts
  10. That doctor (from Devon think it was) has picked them all up Seriously, story in Telegraph today about some doc who makes badger baltis from roadkill and feeds his family with it. His kids love it apparently. Badger balti I'd be curious lol But cops have warned folk from copying him as it might lead to bad guts.
  11. Looks like George Best's ex missus, Alex (thought it was her then).
  12. Lighter mornings, Wimbledon, camping on a beach, BBQ and when younger music festivals (im not exactly old now mind lol). I usually go over to Ireland in July too and that's always good times
  13. true, his band was huge and inspired thousands but personally? Huge dislike of their songs. But its each down to what you're into really. Im a heavy metal/hard rock nut so 4 lads from Liverpool never stood a chance unless they were growling into mics and throwing pig blood at the crowd lol
  14. How accurate is that Food Rating App on phones/tablets? I just checked one of my local Gunga Dins and its got 2/5 for hygiene Ive never had a bad vindaloo from them but this has put me right off
  15. My dislike of him and his rotten band is well known in my little corner of the web. Never liked Beatles or the people in it, ditto Queen. that's all I will write as my dislike of these pr!cks can get particularly nasty I do like Linda's farm pies mind, I know they are veggie but they're not so bad considering a lot of veggie food tastes like cardboard lol
  16. Been fine here, a few other sites have been spannered but *touch wood* never had a problem on here
  17. Big fan of Only Fools but the Doubting Thomas in me thinks this sketch with Becks will be rubbish I hope not mind but these cameos from sporting stars are never much cop,
  18. 30mins and Second Son is on :)

    1. R.A.W


      We haven't even had one SUN over this way lol

    2. Malt


      Any good Frann?

  19. Frann

    The Sea....

    No wonder us Brits are (mostly) drawn to the sea. Our island is surrounded by it A sea faring race, salt water in our veins and all that
  20. tidy! Just got Top Comments on Yahoo lol

  21. Frann

    The Sea....

    Cant beat the sea and like Malt, I grew up 200 yards from it overlooking the Gower you'd think you'd be glad of a break of it but no, love it. And you can't beat the Pembrokeshire coast
  22. Story in the Telegraph today (cant post link ) about a scrap metal dealer in the Midwest finding a Faberge egg at a sale. He paid $13,000 for it sensing it was worth more.....and it was, $33m What a find! Odd the seller didn't know what he had on his hands though
  23. I read a book a book about this sort of thing once. "Return to Sodom & Gomorrah" it was called and had all the best minds (inc Stephen Hawking) together discussing the big bang etc. I never understood a bloody word
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