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Everything posted by eljay

  1. we are not racsist we are REALISTS.
  2. be careful what you post online lads, the thought police are already making arrests. no free speech in great britain these days.
  3. I worked with an old guy he didn't want to go down the pit so joined the army, He was taken prisoner and ended the war working in a pit in germany.
  4. thats a really good offer, in durham we also call them dykes, I do a little patching up around my own place but always end up with one or two spare stones .
  5. Hi, try jason lowes.co.uk he does a good animal portrait, jason was born and raised in weardale co,durham from a farming family.he is a talented young man I would recommend him. les.
  6. eljay


    Can tell you in Scotland 1 is what you chap posts in with, spoken like Mell but spelt "Maul"... 2 is what you would call like a passage between hills(sort of) and 4....is a horse... Yeah mate, 1, is a big hammer , 2 is a knife, usually a bread knife type, 3 & 4 are horses or ponies ! Words in everyday usage 40-50 years ago, never heard now. Cheers. Alright so Gully is different. You hear Gully up here used to desribe small passage ways through hills and sorts...... on the golf course is the easiest way to describe it..."Hit yer baw towards that we gully son and you'll be fine
  7. hi guys, whats your opnion on the brocock super six concept, I'm thinking of buying one in 22 calibre just to use on rabbits. eljay.
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