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Everything posted by Furittus

  1. Welcome to the forum, and welcome back to the field mate, there are some great lads on this forum who will give you all the advice and help that you will ever need, I'm at it 38 years and still learning every day.
  2. Congratulations to England on your win today, and WELL DONE TO IRELAND RUNNERS UP, bring back the British Open and Governor Generals trophy tomorrow, "COME ON THE BOYS IN GREEN"
  3. Got a hob gave to me last september, biggest ferret I have ever seen, for the first 3 weeks he would not come out of the nesting box, he was quiet in the box when he did eventually come out, sometimes when you lifted him he was ok, but other times he would go completely wild, I kept him to April this year tried everything but just could not trust him, by the way the man that gave him to me caught him wandering around a farm yard, unfortunately had to put him down, but good luck with your jill.
  4. Hope you get a position, I was once in that line of work myself, best days of my life, keep on looking and do'nt throw the towel in, did you look in the Shooting Times, from time to time positions are advertised there.
  5. Wow I like them both, look forward to seeing some more of your work, and perhaps owning one , by the way, the one you made by commission, it was'nt for a guy named Crockett was it, LOL, pure craftmanship .
  6. Will have to get you down some weekend for a bit of craic, good luck with the new pup I hope he does you well.
  7. You need'nt come down to County Down to hunt with a dog with stunted growth, LOL , tell your friends to keep taking the pills but increase the dose.
  8. welcome to the forum, I'm looking forward to seeing your work, I bought a Buck in the states some years ago, its due a rest and christmas is coming.
  9. Up unto this year I gave mine nothing but woody, I plucked them removed the breast's ( for the table ) and the kits loved them and thrived on them, the plucking was only to do away with the mess of feathers blowing across the yard, your 8 week old kits will love them, I hope they do well for you.
  10. Welcome to the Forum mate,
  11. Nice pup, hope it turns out good for you.
  12. Nice looking healthy kits, I would like a dark jill like them, pity your so far away, you should have no problems getting GOOD homes for them kits, mate.
  13. Nice litter, hope they do good for you, also like the 2nd photo of your jill, a real classic.
  14. I shot clays on the Irish DTL team, in fact I know Arthur Williams the owner of Mid Wales Shooting Grounds quite well, ( gentleman )there is a big weekend there next as the DTL Home International and British Open is being held there, but I have not shot a clay in a few years now as the fields beckoned me, and yes the Polecat has gone to ground, LOL.
  15. Very nice, nice polecat, hope they do well for you.
  16. I would not like to be the fox on the receiveing end of either Buffalo triple A's or the Express triple A's, I dont think he would know the difference. ( if the pattern was in the right place )
  17. It's official, look their website, they say that all ticket's will be refunded.
  18. Its not the make of the gun that counts, but where you place the pattern, I hope you have many enjoyable and memorable days in the field with your Bettinsolli.
  19. Welcome to the Forum mate,
  20. Welcome to the forum, you've come to the right place to meet folks with the same interests as yourself, I shot clay pigeons a few times at Mid-Wales shooting ground, is it any where near you?, it was a lovely part of the country.
  21. Welcome, I think I have the same symptoms as you mate. ( hunt , shoot. and hunt and shoot. ) LOL.
  22. Welcome to the forum, I'm not far from you mate, do you think this rain is ever going to cease ?,
  23. Good on ya, hope you have many memorable days hunting with the "oul man".
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