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Everything posted by soldier1

  1. well done mate, im waiting to hear back from the course 1 minute from my work, hope it all goes well.
  2. I had no idea the shooting community was like this, i was going to offer a space on my new permission but thinking twice now.
  3. Fella ive put 7.62 rounds into humans over 600m, i do however get upset when people give airguns and our sport a bad name by taking chance shots, ive just spoken with a top hft champ and this is his view ''Having competed at FT against the best there is i can tell you a clear round (targets up to 55yds) wouldn't happen very much if those target were all 1" not 40mm (1 1/2") now 1" is too big a kill zone for much of the quarry that might be taken and in FT you get to settle yourself into the best shooting posisions and time to shoot at a vary unaware steel target. I have yet to meet the g
  4. probuk i wasnt saying i dont belive you guys can group well at 70 yards im simply wondering on what pellet/rifle combo you used. i have no problem shooting targets at that distance i just havnt taken live quarry at that distance because i choose to get closer.
  5. Hmm... well as i said my groupings are 1/2 inch at 60 yards on paper with my logun axsor so thats good enough to attempt these shots i guess, most of my shooting has been with live rounds and maybe i dont give these air rifles as much credit as they deserve. i find that wind affects the pellets alot tho and if i dont get one shot kills i kick myself lol, also i do shot in all weathers, id like to see some pics of 70yard groups with what rifle/pellets you used. thanks for the imput guys good to see a difference in the responses.
  6. Hi guys, would like your views on the range you would take rabbits with a sub 12ft,lbs air rifle, now im happy with my groupings on paper at 40 yards and can still group 1/2inch at 60 with a bipod. However i always get alarmed when i hear people taking 60-70 yard shots i feel its not responsible shooting due to the affects of wind and other variables, this may just be down to my military training and experiance. what do you guys think??
  7. Great offer sir, seems alot of people dont like to share and want all the land for themself when we should all be on the same team and helping each other.
  8. thanks for replies guys, lots of info so far but whats with the negative comments on people seeking land to shoot on here? some guys dont seem to like it?? i dont get it.
  9. i have land to shoot i am just offering my services to others who need it. there is so much land in sussex buster i can reach hundreds of people online rather than spend hours knocking on doors, most of my land has come from online searching, door knocking can work sometimes im just using all of the resorces i can. friendly bunch on here.
  10. Would like to offer free pest control/crop protection in and around west sussex, army trained marksman, experienced and respectful. please contact me if i can help you. thanks.
  11. Hi all, new guy from west sussex, hope everyone is well. looks like a good forum.
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