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Everything posted by shaunpowell

  1. Lurchers - New Lurchers Lurchers Lurcher dog for sale, Deerhound Greyhound x 3/4 Greyhound 1/4 Whippet, 25", 28 months old brindle. This dog takes all legal quarry and is 100% stock broken. Jumps plus is excellent on the lamp. Any trial given, day or night. Willing to swap for Patterdale bitch, smooth. Must be working with trial. Also Saluki x Lurcher, 27". Again mustard on the lamp, stock broken. Only 17 months old. Any trial.
  2. http://static.dragondriving.co.uk/images/horsecarts/harness70270-1.jpg hopefully this works. A mate of mine went to see these dogs run on trial and they jacked lads so dont waste your money going to see them run there no good. Just a heads up. Atb shaun
  3. Glad your enjoying yourself pal. My season hasnt even started properly. Pup i bred didnt work out the way i wanted it too. So only got the 1 dog here now and hes a bit dodgy on an old leg injury. Getting more frustrated because its getting harder to find the game around my way. Wonder sometimes why i bother. Atb for the rest of the season shaun
  4. Two cracking little pups mate. Atb with them. Shaun
  5. My fault just seen the selling part didnt read it properly to sell would obviously be money and thats your buisness. Good luck in the morning. Shaun
  6. Cracking dog mate. What was it that you couldnt refuse?
  7. Myself and doyley off here have had simular nights. Gets the dogs out and a good bit of banter sometimes there the better nights not all about the bag mate
  8. Right lads ive got a 2 1/2 year old saluki grey bitch here. Shes roughly 25" black and tan. Runs and kills very well retrieves to hand 1 down fall is the bitch will let out a yelp on hard run of a big rabbit.if that doesnt bother you she would be a cracking bitch unfortunetly it bothers me.im putting a price tag of 100 on the bitches head to keep pedlars away.she can be seen running.working or pet home. Good recall good with livesrock kenneld outside and good with kids. Please no timewasters lads
  9. Ive been using 1 for the last couple of weeks and its spot on. I didnt think ide use the variable that much but im using it now at every oportunity without realising im doing it. Spot on imo. Shaun
  10. Nice bitch mate and seems to be putting a few in the bag for you. Just a piece of advice i heard you mention about the retrieving. From the video i can see that you walk to the dog maybe just give the dog a bit more time to reteieve right into hand. Instead of walking to it maybe try walking away slightly worth a try if you havent already tried it. Atb for the season shaun
  11. 1 dog per night/day and just keep rotating it. Like it has been said it depends how keen you are. Unless you can get out 5/6 nights/days in the winter stick to 1 dog. Shaun
  12. Hope you find the dog a tidy home mate anybody dont blame you for putting a price on its head will keep the peddlars away atb shaun
  13. Had a few dogs hit electric fencing some took to it really bad some it never bothered and carried on like it never happend. Give the dog plenty of time pal try getting the dog around cover like you said boost its confidence. Youll have to be patient atb shaun
  14. No matter what 95% of the time the dog at some point will come into contact with children.its hard when youve had a dog for so long but do the right thing buddy. Atb shaun
  15. Ive just bought the 210 variable not to big not to small connections are good, plus doesnt blow around in your hand to much on the wind
  16. Just bought 1 mate, thanks anyway atb shaun
  17. 22ah wanted asap, must be in full working order, lights ect, and must be able to post, cheers shaun
  18. Dog looks in fine shape mate fairplay, im glad your happy with him, atb for the season, shaun
  19. U ducked down 1 night on the lamp as I was in the way, young and dumb the rabbit flew past me and the dog hit me straight in thw face, seen stars for a few mins but the dog killed the bunny haha shaun
  20. Thats f***ing shit mate, get some pics up mate ill keep my ears and eyes open, atb shaun
  21. Hiya lads im looking for contact details for a john smith or paul smith from the cardiff area he keeps running dogs, ive lost his contact details. Cheers for any help, shaun
  22. That benji x bitch is a cracker atb for the season
  23. Ohh I think I seen the litter advertised, nero to a pure??? Atb with both pups pal, shaun
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