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Everything posted by wildman

  1. Should be compulsory in all junior schools,wildlife education instead of some of the crap that they force on the kids these days
  2. Remember a woman coming to our primary school 40 years ago with a managery of animals, snakes, lizards birds probably what started my interest of into wildlife
  3. No mate just the fact that there's dead fish on it ,why aren't animal lovers all over it .if it were rabbits, deer or even chicken's they would be up in arms calling us all the bustards under the sun
  4. Just been watching tv ,adds came on ,normally turn it off or down ,hate adds ,then birdseye fish fingers add comes on dead fish all over ,how does that work if it was a dead animal there would be bedlam what happening
  5. Can't ya borrow a collar to make sure they work , then ya can say excellent condition
  6. If I see anyone on a bike on a footpath, it's walking stick through front wheel ha ha
  7. wildman


    Not a funking chance
  8. Taxidermist did a good job on that one
  9. wildman


    Ya mate , if ya want to start ww 111
  10. wildman


    Jesus lads something gotta be dun
  11. wildman


    Just spotted this for sale in morrisons, what is happening
  12. wildman


    Ya pal that's Tim Bennett, s place keeper for Bell Wood and surrounding area .what a funking weasel of a man by the way it was the ruins round the corner, where Billy got the kestrel, it was at Hoyland Common were he was filmed flying the bird ,
  13. wildman


    Which one ya talking about pal , John Wright died about 8 years ago
  14. wildman


    Ya know his son,was a keeper called John noyland that got us ,early 90s anyway as it sometimes is poacher turned keeper and I started working for big John Wright for a while
  15. wildman


    Ya used to poach Wentworth myself once got caught red handed spent the morning in Rawmarsh nick,and got a good telling of by the Sargent
  16. wildman


    We used to use it for wasp hives ,go back in an hour dig it out sell em to fishermen ,very effective stuff
  17. wildman


    Anyone ever use it , and if so what for ,now illegal of course
  18. Use a scaffold post sleve on the end ,as sledge hammer tends to splay the end of the pole over making it difficult to get poly pipe over,use same sleeve for each pole
  19. Ya turn em upside down dig em in a bit , hold together with heavy duty tie wraps.cut a hole in one make a simple frame n door , works really well good luck
  20. wildman


    He only told me this morning, my first response was get a trial cam set up no-one will believe it
  21. wildman


    Mate of mine asked me today if it was possible for a dog to mate with a fox ,told him no , not genetically possible as cromasone levels massively different ,gestation period doesn't line up shit like that ,why I asked ,seen a fox yesterday as tall as a greyhound walking round his farm , started to do a bit of googleing ,picture of a Brazilian maned wolf comes up, showed it to him and was amazed, that's exactly what I saw he says ,don't no if its a escaped one or what but there's one mooching round north Yorkshire
  22. Didn't need planning permission think he,d sorted that before ,had to dig my own water supply in from nearby horse drinker then hand dig 400 yard to Bury electric supply built my own sess pit with 100 yard soak away ,3 large gas bottles run boiler, fire,cooker , set back in edge of private woods looking over fields towards coast .wish I new how to post pictures on here not very technically minded .
  23. Not just a dream mate, I gave up everything I had to live this life, house,job friends family .been living in the edge of the woods with fantastic views over Yorkshire wolds now for over one year , dogs love it rabbits , deer ,all kinds of wildlife all round me .Work for guy that owns land . Life of reily . Dream on.
  24. The c**ts never fail to win the marathon in Olympics , but when it comes to walking 5 miles for a bit of water they moan like f**k
  25. Just be another shite film to watch in 5 years
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