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Everything posted by wildman

  1. wildman


    He,ll be getting plenty of what he gave now
  2. wildman

    HH x goldie

    Ya think I will stick to hh from now ,pleasure to own an fly , , had loads of others, too much hassle, unless you're a 24,,, 7 ,, type
  3. wildman


    " meet the gang for the boys are here,,,, the boys to entertain you "
  4. wildman

    HH x goldie

    Knew a kid from Hoyland, had a red tail ,had it a couple of seasons, one day he was calling it back from a mist slip ,glove up, piece of meat in hand, totally ignored the fist and latched on to the side of his face ,, made a right mess ,was very lucky not to lose his eye
  5. wildman


    Was he raper, or rapee
  6. wildman

    HH x goldie

    Is your mate any where near North York moors would like a look at one hunting, if he gets one going
  7. wildman

    HH x goldie

    Saw a clip on YouTube today with a male ,weight was 3lb ,,what a tool ,, how long has this breed been about,, and how many people have them ,would love to see one in action sometime
  8. You seem to know everything ,,don't ya ,, prick
  9. Patience and dedication what's needed to train a dog , or any animal for that matter not electric shock
  10. But the piss stain can
  11. And what if ya needed to wear a colostomy bag ,would ya,or would ya walk round with a big wet patch ,
  12. Get one for sure,more magnetic, the better talked mate of mine into getting one 3 week ago for shoulder pain, says pain gone after day or two
  13. If we can get enough of us maybe we can have a mass debate
  14. They must work for certain people , have had various kinds over the years, and when I take it off for a while the pain always comes back . The one I have now has 40 magnets in and is fantastic ,£20 off ebay ( believe in the force young master luke)
  15. Van be rocking tonight bud
  16. Not much need to worry about that mate, if ya knew me (but ya probably do) I worked on Wentworth estate for a while, with big John Wright, who ya probably knew and even he was a bit wary of me when I lost my temper , but I no what you meant
  17. Ya had good permissions before but not for a few years, did all of Bolton Abbey Estate, and a pal of mine had a lot of Kettlewell ,good numbers up until them hard winters 2010,2012 killed a lot of bunnies snow too deep for em to get to any grass ,bad times ,oh well will see how we get on
  18. Ball rolling now landowner in next Dale has asked me to go look at his land ,tonnes on there as well
  19. Went to the zoo last week , though I, ll go see the monkeys wanking. Then I went to see the giraffes still wanking
  20. Sorry pal may be another pippa, spelt different , the one I knew was from Rotherham absolutely brilliant with locaters called David, Sorry again hope your man is fine and well
  21. Come for a day out next season if ya want bud
  22. Ya gonna have a look next week, weather not bad, it's that remote, don't think even a 4x4 would be much good in real bad conditions ,,,we,ll see
  23. Just acquired a new spot half hour from were I live massive valley on private moors. Just like going back 25 years big numbers of rabbits about bit late in season now though, already had a few pregnant does may go up once just to show my face , then have to wait for autumn
  24. I,m like that lady Diana , soon as my head hits a pillow an dead to the world
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