It's like any town or village I've ever lived in ,there's always one top dog ,one real hard b*****d who rules the roost ,and then there's his tag alongs that know while ever they back the dog there quite safe ,,,,
Please don't forget the anniversary of the British equivalent of 9/11 when a box of fireworks was planted by mi 5 on a double decker just so Britain could join the USA without feeling guilty
I think that there been punished by a corupt and frightened government to the max to nip this in the bud ,nothing they do or threthen can justify their actions but if the powers that be don't act the way they have then civil war would ensue
Used to lie in wait on our local course when we were kids , run out as soon as the ball hit the farway collected loads in a couple of hours,,then went down to the club house and sold em back to some dick just getting out of a flash motor for a good few quid