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Everything posted by wildman

  1. DC, do you mean David Arthur's from Rotherham , I've had collar, s from him in the past ,think his handle was Pippa, could be wrong ,unfortunately he's gone now.
  2. Don't forget time of year,squirrels no its changing ,as they say in game of thrones, winters coming ,could be a reason why we all seeing more, hazelnuts are as ripe as a virgins pussy up my way,,, wish it was other way round though ,,,,
  3. Used to shoot em in France, with 177 air rifle , n sell em to local pub where they turned em into coypu pate , not much sport just a source of beer money
  4. Looks like terry Waite's old bedroom ,nice, plus another fantastically interesting mesmerizing piece of shit post , from t h l resident bore.!!!!!!!
  5. Ya mate I use em ,gonna pm ya with bit of information
  6. There,s no white folk in page hall, even neo_Nazi skinhead,s give the place a wide birth
  7. What happened to fury v aj scrap ,is that still on ?
  8. Generally from good stock and get plenty of graft , had a few over the last 43 years of ferreting ,had 2 brothers identical to look at one was brilliant bolter so I used him with the hawks his brother pure killer so used him when out to get the money ,to tell them apart had to keep cutting fur square on the end of one,s tail , both lived to a ripe old age and sired plenty of kits
  9. Yes put Jill's together when with kits ,hob s sometimes see young as rivals and may kill em ,not always but does happen .
  10. Jill ferrets like to raise their litters together , daughters and sister's often help the mother with the job ,
  11. Not for me DiDo ,asking for a friend
  12. Ya but do the pop up centers want to know ya name,age address ,bank pin no. All the stuff to drag ya back to the grid,or can ya jab n go
  13. Just wondering how people not registered with the NHS go on about getting vaccinated ,heard today if ya not on the list ,ya not getting it ???
  14. Another c**t jumped on the " I've got a farm" band wagon look at me. Bet its like living next door to that Michael Carroll ,f****n lotto lout
  15. Would say not possible ,but stranger things happen probably someone taking the piss, I once took a rabbit from a pal,s snare and replaced it with a woodies egg just for a laugh ,
  16. Just got 30 brand new half barrels will be adjust ing them all when I dig em back up
  17. Yes it should say 4oz,6oz ,oz means ounce ,I think
  18. I also have some land but its massive, so probably no good to you either
  19. Get out and ask pal. I have never had trouble getting flying permission,soon as you tell landowners its for bird of prey they get quite interested .dog men n guns they don't like
  20. wildman


    Once imped a carrion crow,s tail to a male buzzard ,worked well,looked strange
  21. About 100 or so in the grounds of the royal hallamshire hospital ,about half a mile from sheffield city center
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