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Everything posted by wildman

  1. Majorettes, scouts,Bob a job ,pie n pea van ,ice cream van , policemen patrolling ,bag lady ,dustbin men that put ya bin back
  2. Them big thick bramble , hedges are no place, for a novice pal as said start on easy terrain , work up to it, or get some keen helpers
  3. With all the queers in the world ,population bound to drop. Dirty b*****ds
  4. Got ya remember now, was that John wright lived near round house , mate of mine mentioned that mangam other day is he still alive
  5. Was that the one that killed himself with poison, cymag I think ,was looking at a long sentance inside for rape or something
  6. Wentworth woodhouse ya I remember watching em once
  7. Turned it off as soon as Q say,s my boyfriend will be here soon . dirty bent c,,t
  8. Anyone tel me where I can obtain , now that's what I call terrier,s ix cheers ,.
  9. Think dogs may have mites or a skin allergy ,any body come across this before if so what did ya use to cure it , been told that camrosa ointment could work ,any serious suggestions welcome ,cheers
  10. Ask him nicely he might send ya, a copy
  11. Find a different job, ya must get board flipping burgers all day
  12. Had a plummer for 14 years before he passed . great dog would hunt anything ,would work the thickest cover bolt rabbits to my beddy whippet never complained ,great marker but not to be trusted near ferrets,tried everything, he was 18 month old when I got him though
  13. Ya and the same guy on crow that loaded the gun ,was the same guy on this film . not hard to figure out!
  14. Used to do this in a private , keepered wood ,snare log set above 6 ft brass snares triggered every time , but never any target , snare always snapped put it down to fox jumpin up and using its weight to spin and snap it bit of a mystery
  15. Looks good ,what's in it exactly
  16. wildman


    Pair nested on a pylon 500 yards from mine, sit in allotment watching em , pigeon men on allotment hate em. Never in my lifetime did I think that they,ed be as common as they are
  17. Nice one mate, she looks like you, must be the lack of hair ,if ya got time for a wander with dogs n ferret let me know , all the best pal
  18. Ya should,not let ya kids play with ya photos pal ,memory lost forever that
  19. There,s no hard and fast way pal just introduce em nice n steady ,small sett,s, that your dog has given a deffinate mark at don't force em then block em in ,let em play take your time . some click straight away ,some take abit longer but 99% will make good rabbiter,s ,been at it 43 years only had one that I gave up on can't explain it , good luck kid
  20. It,s all a con ,money making scam ,set up for the rematch so they all get another massive payday .next time aj wins and circus rolls on that Eddie hearn,s no dumpling ,he,s a business man in the most lucrative sports around and them boxers just puppets .always been like that ,but at least some of the puppets put a show on ,
  21. That was a fix nobody just defends a title without fighting
  22. wildman

    White rat

    Once caught a pure white mink on the river esk, with northern county mink hounds. One of the huntsmen said that's the first one in 25 years
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