Was a knock at my door, last week, hi says a woman were collecting contributions to reopen the local swimming pool, would you be able to donate please, , ,,, I gave her jug of water
Hollywood are thinking about making a film on the life of Dr Harold Shipman with Robert de Nero as Shipman,,, there gonna call it ,, the old dear hunter,,
You would have to drive round ask same as most guys have to, me personally I have a friend that works for a land sales agency part of his job is keep an eye on pests for farmers , rats rabbits pigeons that sort of thing any problems and he gives them to me got f****n loads ,, good luck
No bothered about getting black listed never get any thing on credit don't live at the address on the letter either, travelled up that road in Sheffield for years and all of a sudden they turn it into a clean air zone, telling no one I don't think I should have to pay ,did have this problem once before lasted over six years just sent em a letter claiming the debt was statued barred got a letter back saying I owed nil but it must be over 6 years, f**k em