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  1. 10 yr auld fair fuks to it ,,,,,,not much bout ya then,,,,
  2. nice ; not unlike the queen ann types we kept 25/30 year ago
  3. sorry to hear this .. always enjoyed his posts , RIP CRAIGYBOY .
  4. A question that can never be satisfactorily answered. All we can do is name some of the greats of the field. Foxy Blondie Sniper Lucky Dancer These spring immediately to my mind. Others could include. Snowy Drax Beau Beauty Roxy[braddies bitch] Maisie Red Captain Lady Salty Many others might qualify ,its personal preference really some old names there inan
  5. does it matter so long as it does it's job who gives a f**k ........ it's a lurcher in a nut shell otter
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