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Everything posted by Moorside

  1. Ive had a few pairs of Altbergs and theyve served me well. Just had a bargain pair of the new type infantry boot that they make. There getting christened Saturday
  2. Agree with topper most of the c**ts are mentally unbalanced, with f**k all else in there lives other than messing with things they dont understand.
  3. No mate its an all in one collar/slip got no pics but the lads have em made. They're really good because they give you good control of the dog and once slipped the collar opens and comes away so no snagging on wire etc
  4. We use what my mates call 'gypsy slips' which are a leather collar with one looped length of leather which goes over youre wrist, and one straight piece that tightens and gives you good control. Used em on all the dogs we run from 20' beddy whippet to 28' deerhoundx and theyre strong enough for the bullxs. Really good bit of kit imo
  5. Pup looks good pal, like the coat on him. To be fair the whole litter looked good when we saw em. Atb
  6. I wouldn't be breeding her at this time of year
  7. I know what youre saying roybo, Its always better knowing as much as you can about what youre buying. Definitely better getting something off someone you know or friend of a friend.
  8. If you were selling a pup to someone you didnt know from adam would you go into great detail about how often you hunt what you hunt and whos dog you used as stud and exactly what that dog does?? I bloody wouldn't and I certainly wouldn't be giving out my mates names so they could incriminate themselves and me. You cant rock up at someones house and come out with all that when you dont know em......and to be honest ive always found folk who talk too much and talk there dogs up are normally full of shit.
  9. In all honesty whats the chances of a top draw line bred bullx and well bred coursing type being mated up and there being ANY pups left over anyway. Unless you know someone in the know these really good matings are a closed shop to 99% of folk anyway. When you're starting out a lot of the time you just have to take a chance.
  10. Really nice setup there reynardman, I inherited my kennels and runs at my house the previous owner kept collies hed made the runs out of timber with breeze block sleeping compartments......needless to say my terriers nearly ate there way through the timber within a week of moving in, had to reinforce all chewable bits with steel strips. When I move next time im going for a similar set up to youres. Atb
  11. Get van, open back doors, close back doors, job done
  12. The best way is to try both and see what suits youre dogs mate, ive used beta ,Australian formula, and redmills racer. And I rate redmills suited my dogs best as an easy addition to the meat veg and carcasses I feed....but it doesn't suit some dogs. Atb
  13. Reckon my dog is faster than a million pound racehorse ? Not with you on its back she aint lol
  14. Jesus christ theres some boring self righteous people on here, just do like d lloyd said the best meat etc you can afford. If you want to micro manage youre lurchers diet like its a f***ing million pound racehorse crack on
  15. She really has surprised me how brave she is.....even my mate rates her and hes always disliked whippet xs.
  16. That pic I put on is of my 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy, shes really turned out to be a handy bitch. Shes 20" and very quick and brave with it, shel hit any cover and makes some great catches. I run her with my mates big bull xs and to be fair she adds something that the big dogs cant do and thats follow bunnies through really tight gaps in hedgerows and fences. All in all id recommend this type.
  17. Heres one of my beddy whippet bitch on the lookout for squirrels.
  18. Much prefer kennelling mine always have always will.
  19. Ive spoken about this Facebook book stuff before, the stupidity is beyond belief. These fucktard youths ADMIT to things on hunting groups that have to be seen to be believed.
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