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About Popcorn

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Know if this sick f..@ker is already on the paedo sex register . (Why) the f:@k did they not pull him in straight away!!! And if he was then people need to know and this law has to changed! Or kinds are going to pay for it! The Sick ba:@rd
  2. Looks like they got some 1 for it?
  3. They not searching in the night. Tell them about the lampers. that they are traind for the night time . See if we can find local lads on her ?
  4. only on the hunting life all the forums iv seen this on .that's morning more about being outside then her whereabouts
  5. Some of my best lamping times in Dorset when I was a lad
  6. Can I ask if the Sire is from south wales ? And did he beat Ben Lewis's dog in down in Dorset.
  7. So sad . I lost my dog two year's in October in the same way . I give it all up after that . Hope find a good dog for the future.
  8. Nice looking dog hope all goes well for you.
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