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About Solo_Hawk

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  • Birthday 05/04/1995

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  • Interests
    Birds of Prey
    Other fieldsports
  1. Certainly I can do an A3 piece for you- a group photograph like that will certainly challenge me and I look forward to broadening my horizons! I will be in touch when I feel I am ready to take on some more work. I'll be in touch when my pile of work is reduced somewhat and this headache gets gone! Thankyou! I should think I can do that for you, and will be in touch when I open the floodgates on all these requests.
  2. I have a work in progress of a since completed piece on my hard-drive, will stick it up here tomorrow. I did facial expressions last year for my art project so I got a lot of practice, and depending on what I'm doing can draw some decent people. It's touch and go though, sometimes they turn out ace and other times total failures! Aha, I'm much more reliably good when drawing hawks and dogs but will gladly display some of my better portrait work on her for you to take a glance at.
  3. By God that may be the cutest thing I've ever seen. Okay, girly squee moment aside, () I would be happy to do that for you and am very interested in the printing side of things! If it's ok I will get in touch with you as and when I am feeling better and have the time to shoulder a few more requests. Would that be ok?
  4. With out a doubt.....come on guys get your orders in before this artist becomes tooo famous . Haha, yes... Remember the name! Aha, I doubt they'll ever be worth anything much but may as well try and make a few quid. Worth it for some new gear for hawky! Thankyou I can't remember when I sat down and decided I wanted to start drawing something really worthwhile. I won't say it came naturally but I don't remember having to try as such. My old sketches are alright but nothing compared to the full-blown drawings I do now, as I said I improve massively with every piece, and for onc
  5. Thanks very much mate, means a lot to have the support of many on here and see some interest in my drawings! Yep, immature pere... Probably some of my best work without a doubt! Dad used to fly peregrines, he's bagsied this one. I end up drawing more harris's than anything else, so it was nice to draw that falcon! Getting a new male harris later this year, so I should end up with a room very padded with harris sketches, aha. Awesome, I'll remember this thread and come back to it once I'm ready to start taking those requests! Lovely looking dog there by the way. T
  6. Thankyou! I don't think I have too many photos of dogs I have drawn recently, as birds of prey is my main forte. I do however have one recent example... Probably not the type of dog you lot will want me to draw at all. I have since finished this piece and will update with recent images soon. The camera once again saps the quality of the drawn image. I will get up a better quality image of the drawing soon and show it at its best.
  7. Hi everyone, this is me... Scott's friend. I'm 17 years old and later this year might give paid commissions a go, mainly to help pay for hawk supplies. I have been having some health issues, namely intense and very prolonged headaches (5 weeks and counting with this one) which can make it difficult to draw. Friends who I owe work have been understanding but I will not be taking on any paid work until I can be sure that I can dedicate to each piece the time that it needs. My work tends to be A4, and I work in 12 grades of pencil. Each drawing can take 6-10 hours at least and sometimes lon
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