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Robert morrison

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Everything posted by Robert morrison

  1. yes mate I have this breed wouldn't use him for foxes but just interested that's all
  2. I sent them to photobucketi have I phone downloaded tge photo bucket app n still couldn't do it lol
  3. Has anyone used this kind on foxes what were they like n wat age did u start them at just interested cheers guys
  4. Cheers guys he's still getting decent walks n jogs just trying to start putting shape on him as he's 14-15 month old just started grafting he's coming in good would like to put picture up but can't tried photo bucket but not happening he's some dog
  5. Just started my 14 month old 3/4 grey 1/4 collie on WAFCOL meal and raw mince been giving him 5 cups of mixer n one handfull of mince don't think this is enough or not enough cheers folks he's eating it all very fast
  6. you cant even spell scouser thick head lol just noticed that its the iPhone it's a nightmare lol
  7. By the sounds a things u would come bk as a scouzer thick as shit lol
  8. All dogs u have colin are good and well looked after
  9. It's been arranged 20 per week daughters mate 1 hour a day 5 days a week my misses n daughter will do the rest cheers for the help guys
  10. ano mate nightmare but need to work it's good though when a arrive cause he's happy to see me it's just his fitness a hate dropping n when he is out he loves it Coming into the summer months now mate, if his fitness isnt A1, nay bother, plenty of time to get him lean and hard for September. If he's fit now two weeks wont make much difference.sound mate cheers
  11. When I got him as a pup my mates said they would help out ie by walking him or taking him out running but there situation has changed WOMEN lol and work the misses treats him like a son fresh food n water n kennell is shining all the time a just thought 2 weeks with no really big walks or runs isn't good for him he loves I mean loves to get out the best part a me coming home is getting him out lol misses isn't too pleased
  12. phoned them up the 2 a phoned were very cheap but fully booked matey 6 pound per walk
  13. ano mate nightmare but need to work it's good though when a arrive cause he's happy to see me it's just his fitness a hate dropping n when he is out he loves it
  14. Away bk offshore tommorrow so won't see dog for 2 weeks when I'm home he gets many big walks n some big runs 7-8 mile n loads of jumping ball chasing ect however when I go away the misses will only walk him whenever it suits her she has no time with either baby or work how do u think this will effect dog being out all the time to not getting out all the time he's really fit when I leave then not so much when I return can't wait to get bk from work already lol what u think guys
  15. Anytime you're away mate just run him down the road you guys are welcome anytime... cheers Colin
  16. Davie ur a gentleman couldn't ask for any more cheers borderscott is the same
  17. davie your some guy thanks alot mate ill bell u after
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