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About Annie117

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  1. I think these are a really good idea. Recently a group of kids let my ferrets out of their sheds/hutchs despite the fact that I have CCTV in the garden. I managed to get 5 back safe and sound but I had to put down a young jill after she had been attacked by next doors dog. I have never been keen on padlocking cages etc, but after this I will take whatever steps I can to prevent it happening again.
  2. All my ferrets get a constant supply of dry food (mix of lots of brands) and 1 potion of meat in the summer and 2 portions of meat in the winter. I give them a mix of whole carcasses (rabbits, pigeons, partridge, pheasant - why do they always eat the heads first!?) plus cheaps cuts and scraps from the butchers (chicken joints, chicken liver, lamb ribs, beef mince etc). I also give egg yolks, oil and fish as treats.
  3. Hi, I hunt, shoot and fish but my real love is my ferrets. I am hoping to get a lurcher to work alongside them and thought I might be able to learn a bit more about how people work and train their lurchers on this forum. Annie
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