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Everything posted by BIG IAN

  1. Is right mate name him let everyone know who he is,glad you got your dog back
  2. I'll never get to finish theses new terrier runs, wonder will he hold that pup for another week???

  3. sorry to hear that mate...hope that never crosses my path
  4. my note pad has went mad tonight

    1. SHYLOCK


      are you under scrutiny \\\\\

  5. i love to fish when ever i can, im not very good at it tho but its just class to get away from everything and even better when i get a fish
  6. nice to get the kids out.......had my kids fishing today no luck tho just a wet afternoon
  7. Kiss the pope,would be a good start. NEVER.....ffs what about martin and the queen lol back to the topic
  8. just had a wee read at the iwtf website if i wanted to help out or be a voice for terrier men in my part of the city what do i do to help out.... ;)
  9. fair play the ground must have been like stone,you would think with all the rain we have had 6feet would be no probs
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