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Everything posted by roybo

  1. troy isn't heavy, far from it, you could do a lot worse. sounds to me like you have an idea of pup the type you want to produce,but sounds like its not like the bitch you are starting with. theres a wheaten cross in a recent thread why not message the lad see if its up for stud
  2. Don't go too far in the tall and racy departmental, as it don't necessarily go that you will get something 1/2 way between. Use a stud that would be a dog you'd own ,and would do everything you want. Maybe the same cross as the bitch but showing the traits you want. Just adding greyhound will add speed for sure ,but may not be as robust or sensible so as well as adding speed you could be adding recklessness too. A lurcher that has had a good handful of seasons without too many injuries and a good catch rate ,would come before a dog only with speed to offer.
  3. Yea I think it's bollocks ,? plenty been done both ways and good and bad both ways.
  4. Thanks pal No your right looks don't make them work what size they get to ? I was guessing maybe small Springer size
  5. I'd love to know how these look now
  6. I haven't seen one of them for years hope it gets an owner that appreciates it
  7. Undershot is when the teeth of the bottom come in front of the top. Like a bulldog. Overshot is when the top protrude forwards so there a gap between the upper and lower ,goofy if you will.
  8. Is it overshot or undershot? As in the title it says over shot and further down you out undershot. I'd use a stud that's mouth wasn't perfect if it was the best possible in every other way and anything else you could get hold of didn't come close. But if you can get a similar dog that got a better mouth ...,.....
  9. Basically there's 650 seats in the house of commons the conservative party have 316 seats ,being backed up by 10 dup from northern Ireland . So even if all toed the line they'd get it through with one vote to spare .... But there are Tories that will vote against . And you can guarantee that labour and all the minority parties will enjoy doing the government over. If next general election goes to labour it will be designed to the history books
  10. She's barely hanging on to her job,and with brexit ,I doubt it will be high on her agenda with no majority in the house. Just hanging on with the help of the unionists, she wouldn't get it through.
  11. Let me know when the book or dvd are out mush,
  12. It's also your job to keep up if they get on a line as some will follow as far as they can ,and might end up going to ground..
  13. You usually find terriers only have the ability to use one sense at a time . When they get a scent it stops their ears from working and if they do you can't correct them for using their nose because they won't hear you. Get the recall right where there's no scent ,repeat ,repeat repeat , then when they get on a scent they just feck off again anyway lol or just get a spaniel.... Edit to say I bought a cheap e collar and there was no way they'd ignore it ,trust me.
  14. As I say crack on, your dog ,your choice . What standards will the bitch have to reach before you let him go to her?
  15. I'm ok pal ,it's of no consequence to me. I also have nothing to gain from seeing the dog work. Best of luck with the puppies and the Dickinson dog
  16. Already a proven stud ? Didn't you think of proving it worthy of breeding through its ability to graft ,rather than his ability to get it's end away... Best of luck
  17. Best advice would be ,If you are not sure I'd always get to the vets ,too many feck about and then end up going to the vets in the end anyways. Looks a lot worse on you if you've let it get rotten because of not doing anything ,and then it costs treble. Different if you are competent at stitching / medication.
  18. Ibuprofen is supposed to be toxic for dogs.
  19. I'd say take it with a pinch of salt...he's ranked the saluki higher than a German wire haired pointer, and a greyhound even higher ?
  20. One thing I've noticed ,some think more about their dogs diet than they do their own ,? and unless you are working a dog so hard that it gets the wobbles most dogs will do well in most stuff. Quite rightly ,we all want to right by our dogs ,but I think you can become obsessed. Feed the best you can afford , and go by eye if they look good you ain't doing much wrong.
  21. Should imagine they'd be rare, if not, none existent over here . I think there's a few hounds been sold "because " they chase deer
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