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Everything posted by roybo

  1. I've owned bull crosses that where pretty decent ,but ,with the odd exception, daytime deer or hares aint there forte, yes there will anecdotes of them doing it ,and i don't doubt them, but if i was to choose a dog for daytime fast quarry a bull greyhound isn't the first some bull in there won't hurt,and they (bull crosses) have their places. but if i had to pick out of a litter of 8 week old pups,id pick something with a bit more running style, maybe saluki/bull/grey saluki/grey or a bitsa with a bit of history of doing that job. -
  2. I've got his Nans number Audrie's, he might be working today
  3. Shocking mate ,something I never new ,thanks for the heads up and hope your luck changes soon
  4. I suspect you could be right...but then the said author/photographer would not be believed they would say it's staged and we'll have a thread on here asking if people believe it's possible.
  5. The field opposite my house has sheep netting with out barbed wire ,and in places ,has the round timber making it the height of a 5bar gate ,I start them off jumping the lower bits that have been pushed down and work up as their confidence builds . Nothing wrong with putting a board over their kennel entrance or a door way about a foot high to get them used to it early on .I have put a head of a yard brush on top too ,so as they clear low jumps rather than scrambling over
  6. I think the physical effort part is right ,but the pain and chance of death differentiates maybe gameness from drive. But I suppose it's all relative to the comparison you are making
  7. My main point was..it's maybe better to repeat on good dogs name in a pedigree 3 or 4 times than have 5 or 6 unrelated dogs in there especially if they are totally different types like bull Saluki beddy and crosses.
  8. Head and shoulders ...seriously
  9. I had the same issues when fed on some dry. I mainly feed raw and have no issues now,a good scrub in a bath gets rid of most the dandruff and brush with a hound MIT encourages natural oils
  10. Seems like hes just copied the first 4 adverts out of the countryman weekly lol
  11. Looking through adverts ,you can't help but see the name dropping in pedigrees. Now I'm all for knowing the breeding of a pup I am buying ,but when every name in the book is in there it does make you wonder. wouldn't just a few of those names be better off repeated a few times than having 6 or 8 well known dogs in their history . Here's an example I saw on a pedaling site.... https://www.pets4homes.co.uk/classifieds/1554853-well-bred-lurcher-bristol.html
  12. wanker! Lol That's no good should be doing them stags at half that age by 12 month I'd be expecting mine to drag it off the hill hang it up and get a selfie of it with the beast lol.
  13. Nice him how tall he now looking well it's a bitch pal,and she's 26 at the minute
  14. Without doubt I'd say it has,can and will be done. Fences and terrain work as much in favour of the dog as it does the deer. But dragging one of those from high on the fell or through bog , has me making excuses about my bad back
  15. Yep,of course it would have to be legal ,and possible
  16. Haha bitch with a dick lolBoris you have a worryingly good eye lol
  17. Look forward to seeing how these turn out ,if they live up to their potential they will be crackers
  18. I had acupuncture did wonders for my back ,can recommend it Ray
  19. Someone I know has had a pup off this litter , said they are well reared and a top bloke to deal with. I would have definitely had one if I wasn't bringing a pup in already , hope he gets the best of home for them
  20. I didn't think bull lurchers were quick enough to catch deer
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