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Everything posted by chez

  1. hi all im after a bit of advice about my 8 month old whippet. [bANNED TEXT] hes had a good run around he seems to foam at the mouth. its realy thick sticky sliver. im going to take him to the vets and see what they say but does anyone no y he may do this. thanks
  2. great post as i am also looking for a semi auto. i want one for pigeon and duck shooting.i was looking at a hatsan arms escort luxano?? does anyone no wat the like??
  3. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/258495-english-bull-terriers/ this is a thread i started and a pic of my brothers bullterrier duke he dosnt work but tries his best along side the. whippets
  4. chez

    steve irwin

    i remember the day he died as i wa goin on holl that day. i grew up watching him on tv and started my intrest in reptiles. the guys a legend in my eyes and im goin to visit australia zoo next september.
  5. have a look on ebay the will be a few on there and the only a few quid.
  6. i could be wrong though mate so dont take my word for it. any other advice would be good. what i do is set targets out at 10. 20.30 and 40 yard then work out ur pellet drop. its hard [bANNED TEXT] ur out in the field judging distance i think without a range finder.
  7. try get out with people with other dogs and let them play. best thing to tire a dog out i think if ur not working it.
  8. think it may be dropping mate get a few targets out at difarent distances an practice.
  9. ye do mate and like my brother says we will try sort a day out on the drag lure could be fun.
  10. thanxs i hav only just started out and got my first camera at christmas.
  11. thought id show thiss not that good but i like it.
  12. were abouts n [bANNED TEXT] date we can just go to otley they say its not bad.
  13. wont let the link up mate but thanks for the info.
  14. has any one got one if so show us ur pics? and what do u think of them? this is duke my brothers dog who we all love to bits but my god he is hard work.
  15. i didnt no it was on mate but if the weather good i will hav a run down. wer in otly is it?
  16. sounds like a good do that to me. gunna hav another day at it this weekend with a few more dogs so il take sum pics and vids to c what its like. no my brother dosnt have a scooter pall. i asked him lastnite and he didnt go.
  17. no thats my brother mate with his dogs.
  18. lol no mate im from rawdon. near the airport.
  19. oh and this is kye my 5 mont old.
  20. between me and my brother we have 2 whippets and a whippetXgrey my whippets only 5 month. all dogs r related. the blue one is the farther.
  21. sound ok to me mate what dogs u got?
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