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Everything posted by chez

  1. That's correct mate - perfect for left or right handed shooters - im amazed none of the members on here know a bargain when they see one ! it is mate and its a verry nice gun but im a left handed shooter and i strugle [bANNED TEXT] the bolts on the right hand side. i just sold my airwolf because of the same reason.
  2. im 24 and people say im still on the tit. lol
  3. chez


    i wish i wa worth 120 million though.
  4. who do you get your bird food off ginger shooter?
  5. are you saying im wrong in what i said? not at all mate, what I was saying was people should know how to feed and weigh there birds prior to owning them i no what you mean mate.
  6. im glad to see that no one has said english bullterrier..
  7. i was just about to pm u mate and i realised its right handed with a left handed stock.
  8. are you saying im wrong in what i said?
  9. she wont gain much weight on chicks mate get her sum rats and quail. i dont keep birds anymore but [bANNED TEXT] i used to fly mine i used shinbeef.
  10. she wont gain much weight on chicks mate get her sum rats and quail.
  11. what do u feed her mate? try something with a little more nutritional value to put that bit more weight on her.
  12. verry nice gun mate if i had the money i would snap it off u. is it 12flb or f.a.c?
  13. they are verry nice mate do you make the stocks yourself. the silver one i think looks spot on.
  14. verry nice little guns mate. what flb. do they have? thanxs chez.
  15. No 8 month old pup should be "fit" it should only be healthy and well looked after, 8month is to early in my option to be getting a dog match fit when i say hes fit mate i dont mean i have him on a tredmill every day. hes just a well walked and well looked after dog.
  16. i would say he is fit mate yes. he gets plenty of walks and runs.and [bANNED TEXT] hes out with his farther and brother its probably the best exercise he gets because they neva stop.
  17. i had a friend look at him. shes a vet! and she couldnt see anything wrong with him as i thought he may have had something stuck in his throat. the past few days i have noticed him eating grass though. i allso read that it could be down to excitement but how true that is im not sure.
  18. stop trying 2 hard dont think about what ur doing so mutch. keep ur eyes on the bunny and not on ur beed.
  19. i no what u mean mate my laptop has a few less keys now. gunna go out tomorrow so il c what he does then take him to the vets i think.
  20. i wouldnt say he does mate no. maybe the odd bit [bANNED TEXT] im not looking but i carnt say iv seen him.
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