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big napper

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Everything posted by big napper

  1. Most places iv got permission on have plenty, some of it is awkward to ferret but most isnt bad at all, small patches of wooded areas and big bramble patches, plenty of open land with good hedge rows between fields, weve not been out much this season, 4 times i think, another once or twice ferreting then thats it till next year.
  2. The places we cant go would be a nightmare to ferret anyway pal so it doesnt bother me that we cant go on it, those bits will always make sure that the whole area has plenty
  3. Theres plenty rabbits in the area which is quite a big area, plenty places we arnt allowed on which is heaving with rabbits so soon move onto the land we got
  4. There was 5 out the 20 that were pregnant pal which isnt good
  5. Went ferreting again today with the 2 stephs and mick, mick tried his ferrets he just got from tommo on here and they worked sound, nice and tame aswell, so between his and mine we ended up with 20 rabbits, his pup had a few good runs and caught a couple aswell, doing really well now, marked a few holes and works great now.
  6. Cheers for the offer pal ok to bring grandson he likes to come ferreting with me, you can come with us aswell we got plenty to go at, cheers pal
  7. Yes pal just rang a few more vets and there all £110 to £125 each ferret, cheers

    • Wanted
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    Looking for a 08 rav4 wheel if anyone got a spare for sale, tried all scrappers round here and none about, near leeds, cheers


  9. View Advert Rav4 wheel Looking for a 08 rav4 wheel if anyone got a spare for sale, tried all scrappers round here and none about, near leeds, cheers Advertiser big napper Date 07/02/24 Price £12,345 Category Vehicles and ATV's  
  10. Looking for a 08 rav4 wheel if anyone got a spare for sale, tried all scrappers round here and none about, near leeds, cheers
  11. Anyome know a cheapish vet to castrate 2 hobs near leeds, cheapest one i found was £120 each for castration and £220 each for vasectomy, way too dear i think
  12. I got a box now mark, cheers pal, Cheers for all replies
  13. Got one now from monkey on here, cheers pal
  14. Just told a mate whos looking for some he will message you later after work pal, cheers
  15. Ok pal, if i dont get one thats not needing sending off before you are in harrogate il have a look, what are you wanting for it pal
  16. Pitty that, it was near you and a good price, keep looking on there pal plenty come up for sale quite often
  17. Did you get the hw100 pal, iv just looked and he just sold it
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