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big napper

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Everything posted by big napper

  1. Looking to buy 2 hobs that have been caged up together, must be totally tame, working or not, hoping to get some that are at least a year old, not this years litters and not too big, can collect if not too far from leeds, cheers
  2. Ferrets View Advert Looking to buy 2 hobs that have been caged up together, must be totally tame, working or not, hoping to get some that are at least a year old, not this years litters and not too big, can collect if not too far from leeds, cheers Advertiser big napper Date 15/07/22 Price £123,456,789.00 Category Miscellaneous  
  3. big napper



    • Wanted
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    Looking to buy 2 hobs that have been caged up together, must be totally tame, working or not, hoping to get some that are at least a year old, not this years litters and not too big, can collect if not too far from leeds, cheers


  4. Not been shooting for a while but went today and got a good few corvids and a couple of woodys at a farm on the side of a slurry pit.
  5. Just been offered a nice hw99 from a lad on here pal but want a c02 or pcp but thanks anyway

    • Wanted
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    Anyone local (ish) to leeds got a cheap pcp or c02 for sale, dont want anything special just as long as it holds air and shoots wright, must be as light as poss as its for my 9 year old grandson to use, dont want to buy new one incase he doesnt use it much, cheers for any replys


  7. Cheap pcp or c02 View Advert Anyone local (ish) to leeds got a cheap pcp or c02 for sale, dont want anything special just as long as it holds air and shoots wright, must be as light as poss as its for my 9 year old grandson to use, dont want to buy new one incase he doesnt use it much, cheers for any replys Advertiser big napper Date 12/07/22 Price £123,456,789.00 Category

    • Wanted
    • Used

    Anyone local (ish) to leeds got a cheap pcp or c02 for sale, dont want anything special just as long as it holds air and shoots wright, must be as light as poss as its for my 9 year old grandson to use, dont want to buy new one incase he doesnt use it much, cheers for any replys


  9. Cheap pcp or c02 View Advert Anyone local (ish) to leeds got a cheap pcp or c02 for sale, dont want anything special just as long as it holds air and shoots wright, must be as light as poss as its for my 9 year old grandson to use, dont want to buy new one incase he doesnt use it much, cheers for any replys Advertiser big napper Date 12/07/22 Price Category Airguns
  10. 486 crows in 3 outings, thats a great result mac, bet the farmer was well pleased, shotgun lads would be delighted with that so even better result with airguns, nice one pal
  11. Go for it phil, they are a bit lighter with the plastic stock mate,
  12. Tell you what phil theres some really generous blokes on here but you beat them all, when i scrap it mate its yours and thanks for that great offer, thought id be stuck with it for ever, thanks again phil your a gent
  13. First time out for ages, was going mad sat at home so went out for a bit of fresh ferret food, normally see a good few rabbits but not today, got 1 rabbit so left it where it dropped and after about 20 mins i got 2 maggies that came to look at it
  14. Nice one jjm,, 1's better than none pal
  15. Cheers jjm, the lad was well happy with it pal
  16. Id say definitely bait them with what they are used to eating pal.
  17. Nice one skot, I use whatever they normally feed on pal, just get a handfull of the cow feed and put it on the floor infront of the bales where they come out from, instead of running across to the cow sheds theyl sit and eat what youv put down, youl get some doing that pal im sure,
  18. No vm, its still a belting hw100 but with more shots
  19. Iv had neoprene muck boots for 3 years and just got another pair of the same, only had to get new ones because i stood on a nail with the others, £70 they were
  20. Triple bowback ferret box wanted, new or used, leeds
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