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South hams hunter

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Everything posted by South hams hunter

  1. No.discount for cash, maybe take the pennies off but price is the price
  2. Either way; why exchange it to cash when you can just use a card?
  3. Kangal is nearing 750, cane corso is around 700. I've a bitch here that's half corso; will crush bones like butter but they don't have bottle but they're not nervy either. They'll guard the house and owners but can't imagine they'd do the work of a proper guard or pp dogs. When you look into them they are just like giant babies, all they want is cuddles
  4. Cane corsos are the most docile lumps you'll find yet they have jaw power stronger than a lion on psi
  5. Few hours kip in the van last night, best thing I ever did was put a bed in it for between tides and deliveries
  6. Some give a reflection, I knew the lads had some watching over their pots, well I found atleast 2 through reflection. Been giving them footage of me having a shit when I go down at night now
  7. Why would gamekeepers use a ghillie suit?
  8. Can't remember what topic it was but can remember you posting a link to locker in fuerte, this is the lads from the shop I dig for. Its a good watch
  9. Snap, tell the lads I was yapping on the forum the other day about bla bla and they look at me funny
  10. Gets boring mate, I got to about tour 7 and you hit a wall. My mates completed it and its just going over the same stuff after a few tours. Pubg is better imo
  11. Snap mate, all I know about the forces is second hand. Yh the yanks do, love to be over the top and attention seeking. Compare most ya k to British and the yanks are basically just attention seeking normally
  12. That video doesn't prove anything; it's a very old video of some bloke in the street. I know several masons and they're all believers in an almighty being but they're not satanists
  13. First video ; on the range they shot excessively for each target. Why pump 30 shots into a cardboard cut out? Shot to kill in as few shots as possible Second video; why dress up as gi Jane to stand around and chat shit
  14. He is right though, there can't be much fighting going on with the amount of social media videos being uploaded.
  15. No they believe in an almighty power but don't label it as god or the like
  16. It was a better fighter and nearly 10 years ago. Aj and whyte was a brawl.
  17. Because every opponent that they've both fought AJ has been much more convincing
  18. Guy down here runs a few pubs and couldn't get b055 so ended up with DO55 pub with a dot in the d
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