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South hams hunter

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Everything posted by South hams hunter

  1. Some people genuinely enjoy talking about Preban, we had a good discussion the other day, me, millet and hez were all taken about Preban and were all respectfull so what is wrong with that?
  2. Dotty play nice, serious note what has made you decide after 6 years?
  3. The books tend to be opiNionated drivel, have read a few and you can always see what the persons chosen sport was as that sectioned was well written the rest would just be guesses. Could perhaps read running dog maintenance to learn about the dog but wouldnt suggest any on how to work the dog
  4. I was joking, that dog may have tenacity but can't be game
  5. Ulda you may be right I think, couldn't see the pics at the time
  6. IMO only bulls can have gameness as gameness is the willing to continue once fatigued or losing without self preservation. All Lurchers have self preservation and will quit if pushed to avoid being hurt where as a bull would die rather than lose ( not all bulls)
  7. That dog can't have gameness, you need to look up some of the words before you use them.
  8. Just read this whole thread start to finish and wow. Learned so much and really want to read this book ned
  9. Paulus how did you manage to get that pic fuzzy?
  10. Graham it's not the start of this dog going bad it's just it's not under proper control, get it under control and it's sorted! Dotty I was taught exactly the same as your teaching yours and will teach mine the same. I've been around high driven dogs all my life and am yet to have ever been bitten until I started working dogs and then got bit by quarry not dogs. Children need to have respect for dogs and walking away I'd better than getting involved.
  11. Few things to do with a dog aggressive staff - Keep it on a lead when in public Learn to break it so you don't get pinned and it don't take 5 minutes Few other things - A dog isn't going to bite a human to get to another dog on most occasions It wasnt lucky he knew to put his foot on the staffs knock because that achieves f**k all it was unlucky that in a pub full off people noone knew how to break a dog, it doesn't take 6 people ( op, dog owner and 4 others) 5 minutes to break and dog off should take 1 maybe 2 guys about 20 secs From what I've read the only people on
  12. Cheers redneck I had never thought of the beddy whippet.
  13. Train it recall before using it to hunt is the best way
  14. If you really want to learn how and what to do comprise a list of questions and pm to to the following people - hellyer189, jporter, joball and poacher3161
  15. Stabba if you got one you could blend your food up and just have it through the straw
  16. ss people think that because dog fighting is illegal no dog should have aggression. The dog doesn't need to be PTs but either trained correctly, muzzled or just kept away from other dogs. Had a staff as a young kid that was given to us that was dog aggressive so just kept it away from other dogs, simple
  17. Not listening. Your dog isn't trained so just take some time to train it before you try and get any ground
  18. Your the one that keeps bringing up how the dogs bred, no one gives a f**k but your n
  19. He's a good shape mate and he ain't that heavy especially if you put him next to a dog like rio
  20. Feed between 10 and mIdnight, that way if I take the big dog out pup still gets her feed on time then ron return feed the big un be it 11 or 9 am next morning
  21. No one help this tard, look on his other posts and you will see why
  22. Right cur, you dog if anything is a Whirrier. People have tried to give advice and you've argued, you haven't got him working so why get a second? Because us faster than retired or shit workers on a football pitch or because he nearly caught one does not make him a good working dog
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