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South hams hunter

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Everything posted by South hams hunter

  1. then your doing something wrong or theres something wrong with the mutt . its a pup, should only be seeing squatters
  2. pm lab-tastics and 00taz2010 both from that way
  3. where are you lamping? striker has a 600m beam
  4. How do we sign up as Sab sabs? If there is anyone on here doing it maybe they should get lads local to take a walk out with them so they don't get jumped by these cowardly c**ts
  5. Well it wouldn't have been worth f**k all lol
  6. Is the paunches a small blade or a tooth like thing? Also do you do cleavers?
  7. Lmao, let em all blow up just in there own fixking country
  8. I only use this account but CAN use my others as they haven't been blocked
  9. http://s152.photobucket.com/albums/s199/johnny1609/dogs/old%20pics/?action=view&current=benndduke.jpg http://s152.photobucket.com/albums/s199/johnny1609/dogs/old%20pics/?action=view&current=benndduke.jpg#!oZZ13QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs152.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fs199%2Fjohnny1609%2Fdogs%2Fold%2520pics%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3Dbenndalfie.jpg OESxgrey X deer/grey
  10. I was actually looking for those tanks but search pallet tanks and got them
  11. Yes Chid well they should have to say what the laws ate in there country
  12. Lab he's the biggest twat there is but got a heart of gold
  13. Maybe a short few question quiz on what's legal to hunt and what's not to stop the morons joining and posting about foxes and hare in there first topic
  14. http://www.tanks-direct.co.uk/pallet_tanks Cracking dog baths
  15. Well being a lamper for me the perfect conditions are dark nights with plenty of wind and a hint of drizzle or of calling before the ban then a dark, cold night with no wind. Now as I've never done much daytime what do you lads on the fens and black country look for? Is there any conditions not worth going out on?
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