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South hams hunter

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Everything posted by South hams hunter

  1. Is that classed a south west? Beddy hell I class anything past Exeter as up north lol
  2. Truth be told after he popped my nose I lost it and took gloves off and said we'll do it properly. He came off a lot worse. My mum scares the shit out of me still now, ain't lived y home for 3 years
  3. Boxing match in college, had a broken nose from a piss up the weekend before
  4. 8 shot if you do come to get a ferret off shamo you'll have to come see me and Hellyer. Have a little mooch about
  5. Theres roe and fallow in Plymouth in areas with houses on all 4 sides
  6. On a serious not see how interested they are in this cull, the one that's not all over the papers
  7. I know there's a few I'd like to punch f**k out of but not box them, to tame for what I think of them
  8. They'll come if you make the right noise, that's the only advice anyone can give I think
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