I don't know as I've never kept anything saluki based, I'd imagine your right but am intrigued if there's lines that did better down this way. I've done abit by you but not a lot, are your fields similar to south Devon ?
I was yapping to a lad from here on fb and coursing bred dogs come up and I said a plodder would be no use to me as the fields are to small to which he said about Tobey (benjis brother) be a rapid killer. See as a rule I lamp in east Devon/west Somerset where the fields range from fairly good sized arable to small paddocks but there is normally a fair few hares around there aswell as a lot of rabbit but I do whoever occasionally travel further to north Somerset which is flat fields with just dykes and then again I'll sometimes lamp fields closer to home which are all smaller with several gates
Not strictly true, have you tried running 100m shouting? What happens to your time?
Wouldn't it causes the dog to lose stamina? Can't think how to word that
Ideation has it spot on but I would add a few more things.
Make sure the fields you run have good solid hedges for a minute, try not to run on fields with fences. Fences and hedges that aren't tight and well pack make it easy for the rabbit to escape
Nah mate, down by landrake but for foxes east devons the place to go. Saying that me pal that you met at the show( white whippet and bull/beagle) saw 30 odd around Wellington
Re read what I wrote and think before posting!
You said you where the sat in the corner guy listening not talking about hunting to which leveller replied well you must have had something to say in the past.
My reply to that? Yes he posts in the general section, especially anything sports based!
Well you must've had something to say in the past because you've made over 6000 posts and you're ranking #24 in the all time posters on here :laugh: :laugh:
Yes but look at his posts and they're all in the general section and the majority about sports
I'm not putting them in there now pal, just gonna save em for here. Gonna write bother later as that is Friday night not last night where she had another 3 but had mates bitch there aswell so was a few more bunnies in the bag.