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South hams hunter

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Everything posted by South hams hunter

  1. i dont own a gun R.A.W, so basically its dress smart, be polite and do as your told?
  2. No it's you that didn't get it lab
  3. Just f*****g explain it ya c**t
  4. You and the rest of the members would not fit behind chid's head! Get it now ya thick ginger c**t lol
  5. I'm definitely not going then, if I can't be in charge then I'm not going lol
  6. Only you or the rest of the members would be able to fit behind chid's head
  7. No got a bullx now mate :'( You keep asking to go lamping without a lamp, gun or dog. What's that all about?
  8. Christian don't find the c**ts FFs
  9. Well ATM ferretings looking a better option
  10. be very carefull .. ive been told shh is gay You'd love it of I was
  11. Nothing to stop you having the shirt and tie underneath. Atb no there aint but it the tie wont stop on long when im digging!!! and the shirt will end up very muddy Just tuck your tie into your shirt, roll your sleeves up, job done, any other mud well it's just part & parcel of digging holes in the ground lol, better that way than sweating your bollocks off in waterproofs. Edited to add... Shh surely if you've been invited then who ever asked you will know what's what with that particular hunt??? Really can't see why you had to asked on here, but hey your full of surprises. Lo
  12. Robbo ever wanna cross the border into Devon I'll happily show you a few spots
  13. There must be other ways apart from sleeping with the pup, this just wouldn't be viable for everyone
  14. Tbh not a problem I had, bought the pup home. Put her in crate, went sleep and not had a problem with her even when she was put in kennel
  15. Injured or sick dog I would but because the pup feels lonely?
  16. FFs who would sleep in the kitchen or hallway for a pup.
  17. A lot of people's first dogs are never much more than a learning curve IMO so as you got him as a pet originally allow him to be your learning curve. Aslong a he isn't a liability don't worry if he don't catch rabbits mate just get out and enjoy yourself
  18. its not a gaurenteed yet as i may have other things on but wanted to know just incase i do go. thanks all
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