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South hams hunter

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Everything posted by South hams hunter

  1. i find that my memories good enough and should i get anything special ill have it stuffed.
  2. It is I believe, he also has the lowest flying pheasants there is. They just haven't the strength to get very high, makes it easy for roost shooters what with them bein so low
  3. Could be a reaction to nettles in the summer, pups mother gets them every year
  4. It seems a lot but it's not in actual size, had every intention of getting many more bunnies
  5. The news had reported without using these exact words ' a perfect night for rabbiting' so I had phoned N ( i shall use N as he wouldn't wish to be named on here as he doesn't use the site no more) and a trip out was arranged, as we were going to a lot of spread out permission which requires gate hopping and the land was to wet to drive we decided to take the pug. Farmers where rung ( all 17 of them) and informed that there would be a lamp flashed around the gates tonight, you see this was more of a 'reccy' than anything jut to teach the pup manners at gates and in the car and to see what num
  6. Everyone where I live has bought off them at one time or another and tbh I don't care
  7. Scot I've bought stuff off them but don't think they're moral people lol
  8. Tell you what it ain't hard to get bites on this section. I spend all my spare time with smack heads and we even lamp together lol
  9. There's hundreds where I grew up, some of the nicest people I know some of them and even grew up with some that became smack heads. They do me no harm and so I do them none
  10. It's not and I wouldn't but buy the odd razor, joint of meat or block a cheese scot.
  11. sent a pm Thought you were happy with him ray, you sounded over the moon when I spoke to you on the phone. That was after his 2nd or 3rd
  12. No end to em this time of year on the estate
  13. best way is to gas em and shame you hadnt asked 2 weeks ago i just gave mine to the taxidermist for practise
  14. Pm lab-tastic, he's been looking for a young dog and is not to far from you
  15. My first was a little mongrel bitch that was good at what she did but I'm hoping for her daughter to do better
  16. Can't wait to see the pics
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