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South hams hunter

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Everything posted by South hams hunter

  1. Don't uninstall til the new ones on
  2. It was blindin that was......good for checking places to park near to away grounds on a saturday morning can use it on the computer google aswell, i always use it to decide where wont obstruct when lamping
  3. thats easy jb, that wouldnt be a challenge
  4. hemp has thc levels of 0.01 where as weed is around the 10 mark. some obviousley stronger some weaker
  5. have a few farms that well the dogs just cant catch on them because the rabbits are to wise, its mainly 2 farms. ones callington and one is landrake,i dont ferret myself but have ground that i believe is good ferreting land as when ive done it before we have had good numbers. Anyone interested in some good sport inbox me. the farms in callington has no real hedges but has hazel stands and cover, has 8 hedges that are not boundary hedges. the other farm has proper hedges but some of it has fences infront of the hedges, has 17 none boundary hedges of decent length.
  6. They do pal, I got some land you can ferret by landrake and callington if you want
  7. Message simoman, he loves working his deerhounds.
  8. b*****ds I'll have a word with them about that! Bet it's got some to do with Jo pesky
  9. Well we are normally open 9 til late lol
  10. Close friend of mine is a taxidermist and uses a pickle from John Hallet I'm lead to believe
  11. Why did my thread get pulled?
  12. Do your wear glass,s and did you get bullied at school? between this and your jokes no wonder youd be in the cull lol You like my joke,s not as much as simo but you like them i think im the only one of the chat crew that does. i can say theres a chat crew as its them that stops me getting kicked off apparently That's what I was told Oh really...................................
  13. Agree with boots, you must of had it as a kid. Don't eat your tea, go without
  14. Have the dog respect and love you but never fear you
  15. Watch as many videos and read as many books as you can so I one method doesn't work you can try another
  16. Do your wear glass,s and did you get bullied at school? between this and your jokes no wonder youd be in the cull lol You like my joke,s not as much as simo but you like them i think im the only one of the chat crew that does. i can say theres a chat crew as its them that stops me getting kicked off apparently
  17. I didn't go to school never in one place long enough. do you live on the same site as jo?
  18. My dads dog is a good guard dog because he lives in the middle of no where and that's the way he wants him. But mine is really soft because thats the way it has to be with me because I've got kids and I take him to work so he around people all the time. So yes and no depends what you want and how you bring it up. yesterday you said you had no work and that your dog was a grey x mal.............?now the dog goes to work with you everyday and now its a sluki, grey x mal.................................make your mind up ! dont bother bitching ..................end of Don't write shit like th
  19. And you know this how? because its less likely to bark :laugh:
  20. i try chid but only get the peace to write between 1 and 4 am lol ill tell everyone to stay off when its good weather so your that bit more tempted
  21. Do your wear glass,s and did you get bullied at school? between this and your jokes no wonder youd be in the cull lol
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