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South hams hunter

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Everything posted by South hams hunter

  1. hes got to be a f***ing lier ya know, between this and fb he aint ever offline to work Pan calling kettle black. Some of you deep Cornish fellas are as queer as the welsh. cheeky c**t! i aint cornish no he dont, looks like homer off simpsons
  2. hes got to be a f***ing lier ya know, between this and fb he aint ever offline to work i would have the same but push scottish in there
  3. not the wierdest but my fav sanwhich i ever made; 8 x birds eye 1/4 pounders, 16 slices of american cheese and a block of extra mature cheddar between 5 bits of bread
  4. so do some of the people that work in maccy d's
  5. yeah but they do spicy spuds and burgers scot
  6. you not got kebab houses up your way?
  7. yeah scot, easy munchy food. deep fat fry them while you butter some bread
  8. ive got favourite sandwhiches that are bit unusual but some of them are just wierd! doner kebab meat with grated cheese, leave it wrapped up for abit so the cheese melts properly. tip onto plate and cut up so is equal meat and cheese and then make a few sandwhiches. fish fingers, chips and beans. chicken curry, broccoli and potato wedges
  9. the hardest, scariest thing you ever do is become a parent but my god its worth it
  10. so heres one who addmited it whos next? tb i think everyones done it when theyve had a few
  11. beautiful looking little fish them paid can a tank be filled with just hiders?
  12. i have a few loaches but they dont hide at all, are actually very open but that may be because they are algae loaches
  13. Ive literally run out of things to do... You can't find anything on youtube, hunting vids, people hurting themselves etc? No online games, nothing you want to learn about? What about finding a website like theync.com and keep clicking on vids to find out if you have a threshold? that site was shit, videos werent that bad and as soon as you click anything you jjust get pop ups
  14. my small common stays very much open where as the 8 inch sailfin tries to hide
  15. i know exactly what you mean gnasher i tried it both times when i lost my grandfathers but found when i did finally sit down the grief was alot worse and was only recently that ive been able to start listening to the songs played at there funerals
  16. are they like other plecs and sit out in open?
  17. i would love a tank filled to the top with bogwood and fill it with only plecos and catfish. at the moment i have an upside down catfish which is probably my favourite of all my fish but i dont see from one week to the next, a bumble bee catfish, a small common pleco and an 8 inch sail fin plec.saying that i just like the secretive fish, love to watch the female bettas popping in and out been looking at gold nugget, green phantom and adonis plecs has anyone kept any of these?
  18. i do the same thing when cleaning out and have only ever lost one fish and that was a small scissortail raspora that never seemed right anyway friend of mine just emptied his placid communal tank barring the bottom feeders for cichlids and he had always had coral and sand anyway so looks marine where would we stand legally? can see it nw hunting internet forum members prosecuted for fish fighting mollies do ok as well mate, some even thrive
  19. i probably shouldnt have done most of the things i have done but the one i wished i didnt was stick the nut on a lad in college because now i aint got a trade
  20. BINGO When the prize is usually over £200 it's worth a quid!! Any 20 year old who is going on the piss in a working mans club and playing bingo needs f***ing shooting, now call me old fashioned, but IMHO at 20 odd you should spend your weekends up to your balls in the most perverted old slappers you can lay hands too, totally wasted or be travelling away to other places in the country and going in the rough boozers there to see what your really made of.........preferabally, both! well WILF seems like your a man after my own heart thats what our local is like but
  21. thats spot on and put all the gingers back in scotland
  22. alot of the rougher clubs in town are almost 24 hours, they close for an hours cleaning so by the time youve had a kebab and got fags you can start again
  23. just incase the lad does want to visit him
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