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Mr Wilkes

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Everything posted by Mr Wilkes

  1. Thanks for giving me a shove.. i change over to google chrome and hey presto......pics !
  2. This is the poly tunnel ive put in the bottom of my back garden...im already growing salad..
  3. Tried that but no joy.
  4. Yes it can be done and there is probably a law against it.
  5. Amazing what you find when just "walking the dog"..i hope it turns out to be what you assume it to be .. ps...don't you have rough hands..would you like some hand cream sending up ?.
  6. Thanks for the kick up the arse pete..your right, why should I lay down and accept defeat ! . im onto HQ with the bit in my teeth. ill keep you posted .. And may I suggest the others who got slapped in the face do the same.
  7. Didn't you know it is a "secret art" that no one talks about .. type in what you want to know in the search bar and there are some excellent threads on the subject .
  8. Brilliant news pete. I am sooo feckin jealous .
  9. Doesn't look like it sj. best thing to do is get M kings book on longnetting and read,digest and practice like you never practiced before. I wish you luck in finding a likeminded soul.
  10. Let the good times roll.

  11. Perhaps its better to start with a fresh book .. and don't lend it to inan..
  12. Pity it went missing.. Nice offer from JD though..
  13. Ive not done a lot on the plot but I have put up a lovely polytunnel in the back yard. and soon as I can sort out photo bucket ill put up some pics.
  14. fed up of cbeebies smithie ?
  15. You taken up fishing now smithie ?.

    1. Mr Wilkes

      Mr Wilkes

      sorry pal I thought it were you in your avatar..

    2. smithie


      thats wa when i was young and before i eat all the pies..


      do you fly planes?

    3. Mr Wilkes

      Mr Wilkes

      Only on a weekend.

    4. Show next comments  291 more
  16. Your knowledge of twine never ceases to amaze me tc .
  17. Lovely s/w wind..ive got just the drop..lets hope the bunnys are playing out.

  18. Thank feck the house is water tight.

    1. pip1968


      id surprised if a barge wasnt pmsl

  19. So i moonied her and we all went..WEYYYY !

  20. Like a sensible adult I stayed in doors and thought...I wonder how many eejits are out in this
  21. What they did was wrong.... but if kitty was at home like any other pet then it wouldn't have happened. Cats are left to roam the country at any time of night and day causing mayhem ..ie..killing young song birds , shitting in your flower bed , spraying piss all over your car /kids toys ect. I believe they should be treat as any other pet and not left to roam..the latch key dog has almost vanished but what about the cat ?.
  22. Ive got a spool of waxed cotton, ive used it for the last 3 year with no probs. You can have as much as you need (whenever you need it).
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