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Mr Wilkes

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Everything posted by Mr Wilkes

  1. Must admit I think I should have bought the 11mm mould, I’ve been having good results using 12 mm steel and looped 1745 tubes
  2. Both..? there’s 350 10mm shot in the Yorkshire pudding Tray.
  3. Made a few 10mm lead ammo up last night, should keep me going for a bit.
  4. 100% agree with the guy about the tool bag with years of bits a pieces in it.
  5. I nearly packed it all in Fred , sounds a bit drastic but that’s how it got me. I’m happy shooting instinctive with the scout now and won’t change.
  6. I started many years ago shooting instinctive but moved to both Ott and ttf , finally settling with Ott gangsta. On a good day I could hit anything but a bad day used to crusify me, same catty, same bands/ammo, same anchor/reference and it just didn’t happen !. It knocks your confidence. So I moved back to instinctive and for me the rest is history as they say. I would love to be able to shoot holding with my right hand ( I’m a lefty) it would open a lot of opportunities ( windows ?) . I may put a light set up on my spare scout and give it a go.
  7. Yeah seen them advertised on his site they do look alright
  8. You ever tried shooting instinctive Neal ?.
  9. Short straw, do you use a anchor point and frame reference Ott ?.
  10. You obviously don’t know him then pal.
  11. Bloody hell they can shoot... light bands light ammo ??
  12. Nice bit of footage.. is that tan & white dog a Russell / Whippet ? Cracking dog whatever the breeding.
  13. It’s gone with a fair old whack that mate... ouch ! I used to shoot [BANNED TEXT] years ago and owt they hit they shred.
  14. You can either file grooves for the pin to sit in or tape the loose end of your tubes to the fork. ??
  15. What working lines do you look for when looking for a pup?.
  16. Yep.... what short straw said ☝?... if he does get a fork hit just sand it out. As for Gamekeeper John he’s not got a good reputation for posting on time but he will be happy with his catty when it does turn up .
  17. Looks alright to me . As he ever shot Ttf ? And more important has he received it yet ?.
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