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Mr Wilkes

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Everything posted by Mr Wilkes

  1. Always wanted one mate, never got around to getting one tho. Doubt if I will now as I’m settled with my scout lt.
  2. Looks a tidy bitch , you might wanna put the gun in the pic next time ( you know what it’s like on here, )
  3. One of the best in the game, likeable chap as well.
  4. Just trying to make a quick buck my good man... sorry no overseas posting ?
  5. I can see you looking Mary... is it something I could interest you in ??
  6. Fireman you are sooo last week... he IS the big black man ?
  7. Sorry lads no discount for oaps ( Phil) ?
  8. Look... I’m busy cleaning windows today lads so I’ll answer your pms here... sorry katchum, francie, blacky and greb.. no they don’t do it in a smaller size ?
  9. Wasn’t sure what section to put this in so I opted for this one...
  10. I caught 32 rats in fens last year in my back garden, no hens or livestock near by. The only food source is next door but one makes cakes ect and the off cut gets thrown up on there garage roof for the birds which in turn take it onto the lawns to eat.. I feed the birds in the front yard and up to date have never seen a rat , plenty of other stuff ( on camera) there feeding , I think the rats have a preference for cake ?
  11. I’ve never tried one but a lot of lads swear by em .
  12. Do it mate, don’t expect too much at that age, they clown around and tend to listen when they want ( only going on the youngsters at training) but all on a sudden they surprise you, at the end of every session Helen gets them out to fight and the ones we all look forward to are the nippers, to seen a 5yr old go through the moves is awsome
  13. We love it, the confidence it’s given him is unreal, I’m just waiting for them to open and then my 6 yr old daughter will start training.
  14. It’s terrible mate, he’s 13 now and this is the age he needs the training/ exercise. He’s 5ft 8 and I can only just handle him ( when we roll) but I’m too old for that now ?
  15. My boy aged 8 going into school to show them his jujitsu .. he’s trained by Helen curry ( combat base). Helen had to shut down because of COVID and he ain’t rolled for months, we are waiting for the call to get back training.
  16. Greb.... stop being pedantic ?
  17. Hedgehog, cat and even fox id help but big cat ... I’d see you back at the car ?
  18. Massive mate.. big ginger f****r... managed it in end but never again.. it scared me.
  19. We had that in our village... took five of us to tame it ?? was after a good Friday night out.. never again !.
  20. I clean the windows for a husband and wife who are doctors , They deal with COVID patients at a local hospital, the wife said..” we call all children super spreaders... when your children go back to school make sure you Bath them and wash their clothes as soon as they come home... Children are quite resilient but it’s you who’s susceptible to what they bring Back home ( being over 50yrs old).
  21. I’ve only tried the looped 1745 and it suits me, as for ttf... should think it would be ok.
  22. Pups been here a week now and settled in well, thanks Jake for a cracking little pup ??.
  23. I wa browt up wi dogs me... ?
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