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Mr Wilkes

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Everything posted by Mr Wilkes

  1. Got this made the other day, lovely little Crown Derby
  2. Imo dankung are one of the best tubes available.. Google dankung.
  3. They get used to humans and dogs.. which makes culling em a lot easier. I hunt a bit of land that's keepered and these is quite a few greys but fook they're hard to get near.
  4. tats . I'm a early morning hunter, love the thought of being there when no-one else is, but a mate of mine goes out late afternoon and gets a lot. Like you say he gets mithered with dog walkers.
  5. These squirrel are putting some size on now.
  6. Sounds a bit like my dog
  7. Aye.. only riff raff , armchair hunters and eejits on here now..wonder which category I fit in
  8. Nothing but the best for the ferrets mate.
  9. Got fed up with different flat bands letting me down so moved over to tubes.
  10. A lot of rabbit about this year, I keep taking the odd one or two to feed the ferrets.
  11. What's she fed on ?. This here is on gain 28 and a few times a week she gets raw beef.
  12. I was same oxo , I just kept shortening tubes . The nearer to max you can get em the more powerful and accurate they are.
  13. Cheers Fred, she's not bad. A tad hard with what she gets hold of but it's fetched back.
  14. I'm doing quite well with the sps and single tubes.
  15. Got 3 gifted, lost my ferrets through some sort of virus last year. Yeah she's doing fine, couldn't wish for a better little catty companion really.
  16. Looking for a 8x11mm baby bean mould.. any for sale ?.
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