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Mr Wilkes

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Everything posted by Mr Wilkes

  1. And look at the height of the stone blocks
  2. Caught on security camera somewhere in Yorkshire.
  3. That’s what it’s about mate... enjoying yourself working the dog ??
  4. Buy a thermal... lamp is on a minimum amount of time then.
  5. I’m shooting a simpleshot scout lt atm and doing very well but there is a load of makers/sellers out there try Hegarty on eBay or wasp on Facebook.
  6. I liked the look of em, well bred healthy pups, and the parents are good at what they do.
  7. Yeah , I was saying to Jacob that he’s settled down and taking note of things now , his nose is unreal for his age. Well done on the jumping, that’s something I don’t do a lot of yet but it’ll come.
  8. He looks in good Nick, spoiling him eh ?
  9. Pups steadied down and ain’t running around like a tit so I can get a little closer now ?
  10. There was a tale many moons ago that a vet lost his Rolex in one of them there coows.... and their just checkin ?
  11. He’s 23” now so maybe 27” .
  12. These pups have just hit the 5 month mark, think he’s going to be a big un.
  13. Been working all week so couldn’t get out in the mornings. Managed a couple of hrs this morning, must have seen 20+ squirrels but they weren’t hanging around. I managed 4 but could only retrieve 2.
  14. He was fair.... except the time he set the dog on old Milner ?
  15. Ray Walker ? ... if that’s who you mean.. yeah ? he was a good old boy. We used to frequent the same circles at one time. He knew what I was up to and used to laugh and say “ you know I’ll have to take you in if I catch ya”... he told me some crazy tales and I believed every word of it. You ever had a run in with him?.
  16. Stepping back in time eh.. good old Ponte. I’m not far from you being from Cas ??.
  17. Water... not had alcohol for 11 month now.
  18. No problem. Anyone else offer him a night out ? I can vouch for him and his dog.
  19. I’ll get in touch with farmer and we will have a few nights out Tank ??
  20. Nawt like having a catty in the pocket for that cheeky shot whilst out ?
  21. Bit too fancy for me but should be ok, you shoot much Tom ?.
  22. I think they are into their deer by the look of the weather vane.
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