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Mr Wilkes

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Everything posted by Mr Wilkes

  1. Cheers pal, I genuinely didn’t know.
  2. When you get a dog transported do you have to prove the dog is yours before they’ll do the job ?.
  3. Will ya sell the slack grannies separate ? Asking for a mate ?
  4. I just wondered as they say that the otters keep them away.
  5. I’ve used 1mm sheshou @ 25/20 but looped 1745 dankung premium will also handle em.
  6. Lovely little fish. Do you see many mink ? Whilst fishing the Calder .
  7. Yes I think food supply has something to do with it ,maybe they don’t expect a rough winter. These are oak woods I walk-in and there are huge flocks of pigeon picking up acorns regularly.
  8. The place I hunt consists of three very large and mature woods, the trees are 100ft + I regularly see 20+ squirrels whilst walking through em but very rarely get a kill. These woods feed three other woods with squirrels through a network of hedges So I have a more or less constant supply at a shoot able height once they decide to spread out. The airgun lads do a good job but I’m happy to say there are very few where I hunt.
  9. Anyone noticed the amount of young squirrels about lately ? I’ve had quite a few to the catty.. they don’t look like they would survive the winter. This time last year I think I only shot one, Most were big fat adults.
  10. Well done mate ?? I hope he’s paying ya ?
  11. She’s only 6 yrd old and shows more interest in the great outdoors than any of my three lads. She trained him to sit n lie down by herself I think it helped with him being a greedy barsteward ?
  12. A bit of training before school and a short video of the pup using his nose.
  13. No mate that’s fine.... carry on, it’s all good info.
  14. His hunting up is getting better ?? , he air scented this cock bird from the path.
  15. Can anyone point me in the right direction to buy one in the uk. Cheers.
  16. I believe in getting them out at a early age imo they learn a lot quicker and bond better with you... he’s had all sorts of birds animals in his mouth ( all dead) and hunts like a gud un, as for retrieving we tug trained him and every thing he picks up is brought to dad for a game of tug.. imo I think most dogs regardless of breed will with the right training and entering make a good catty dog. I think we may be stuck with the price of pups for the for seeable future. But I look at it as you pay the money and you’ve got your hunting partner.
  17. Sounds like a Gud un mate.In my younger years I had a little border/bedlington that was mustard on em mate
  18. Cheers Jay, the walks are getting a little bit more interesting now ?
  19. The pup has started to mark at hight now, he air scented this squirrel which I shot with the scout.
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