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Mr Wilkes

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Everything posted by Mr Wilkes

  1. Yes pal, nice little thing to shoot.
  2. Good to see em developing innit . Hope he does well for you mate. One weird thing this pup does is when we are walking the woods he will just stop and look into the distance and wag his tail, he does it when someone’s else is in the wood. Still there all different eh.
  3. Be a nice size if he does, he has a litter brother bigger than him a beast of a dog .
  4. Cheers, he’s a likeable sort , forever the fool at home but getting a bit serious whilst out.
  5. 8 months old, 27” TTS , out of Troy and Misty.
  6. Try Henry crank gun shop Pudsey, they do the lee mould but you only make two at a time.
  7. Cheers mate, ‘twas a easy shot to be fair.
  8. Out with the pup later than usual ( watching yesterday’s ufc this morning). He put two squirrels into a hole in the base of a tree so I waited there and sent him to hunt out the wood, I could see him getting closer dancing round trees ect and looking up for the squirrel. Eventually it came close enough for a shot and down it came ??.
  9. Yes, had a dog off him long time ago , found him ok.
  10. We used to run on old pit stacks ( before they were handed over to the rspb ect) and the dog that ran best was a 1st x beddy greyhound bitch, never had any problem with her feet.
  11. She’s a little belter mate ??
  12. Nice one John, you take pup with you ?.
  13. 12mm steel ?. If you do hit anything it’ll kill it for sure.
  14. He is mate, mad keen. I don’t need thermal with him around ?
  15. It’s a lot lighter draw than the 1745 double but it’s faster . Yes it helps with the shoulder, if I lift my arm and lock out my shoulder I can shoot.8 but I tend to forget and it ain’t good. I’ve just bought some gzk .6 and I’ll buy some 8.7mm steel to play with till I’m ok. I know what your saying , when your used to shooting a certain set up it takes a lot to move to something else.
  16. Damn.... I thought I’d bought a Dalmatian.
  17. Stop it blacky your making me blush ?
  18. It’s only when I see a pic like this that I realise he’s still a puppy. His hunting and attitude to life is way beyond his age.
  19. Every one gone is better for the countryside imo ??
  20. I’ve walked for a few days now without the catty due to a shoulder injury but this morning I decided to take it and only shoot when there was a ni on guaranteed kill ( less shots- less pain). Anyhow I managed two squirrels for 3 shots using the scout Lt .8 gzk and 11mm steel.
  21. Brilliant, I like how the forks detach, I’m thinking of leaving the extension on mine and using it as a cocking aid by standing on the fork and pulling up . But I would have to install a trigger system to put the pouch/ ball in first. I know what I’ve just said is as clear as mud but I’ll post some pics when I’ve done.
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