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Mr Wilkes

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Everything posted by Mr Wilkes

  1. Nice sort ??, a lad I know has a litter due this coming Monday.... I’m very very tempted.
  2. I picked another up last weekend and it was only 3ft off the ground around a apple tree but by feck it was awkward ?
  3. First inspection of the “Cas” bees today, they’ve been in the hive for two weeks now, they were very gentle and stopped on the comb throughout, plenty of capped brood ... couldn’t be better.
  4. When I saw her first thing I thought was burrell lurcher with her looks ??
  5. Lovely pup, what’s in the breeding ?.
  6. Had a few close calls with the Hushpower.410 so sold up and now only use the catty.
  7. I know a few that cut a hole in a sock and put a pigeon inside, the dog will retrieve the pigeon without a mouth full of feathers. Good for starting pups.
  8. A lot of lurchers will catch birds but don’t give a full retrieve ( spit em out on way back) what I’ve found best is if you can get hold of duck ( teal or wigeon ) and start em off retrieving those, hardly any feathers to come out and they float in water.
  9. Good idea ?? , is that a sparrow ?.
  10. This pup I have has been out with me from the start, we’ve had some cracking nights on the phezzies , the more you get among the pheasants the better your pup will be. How old is your pup ?.
  11. This pup I have has been out with me from the start, we’ve had some cracking nights on the phezzies , the more you get among the pheasants the better your pup will be. How old is your pup ?.
  12. He’s 7ft tall and built like a stick.... ?
  13. That’s all it is mate... practice ??
  14. From a guy called Lee Wyld on Facebook, he makes some cracking natural cattys.
  15. Can’t believe it.. Bowie’s trying to big himself up with name dropping and you heathens are ignoring him... fekin disgraceful.
  16. If these whippet x greyhound pups are as good as you say then surly you shouldn’t need to do what you are doing to sell the litter Or is it the notoriety and fame you seek ?. Bowie.. nobody likes a braggart.
  17. I was discussing it with a old chap who walks his spaniel on the land and he said that they should put gate ways for the badgers ect , the farm will act as a safe haven for most things unless the solar farm need to cull due to health and safety... guess we will find out in the end. Yes mate this is having cctv on.
  18. Make the most of it while you can... very close to me they are building a solar panel “farm” which will be surrounded by a 6ft fence, the site is huge, it’s sad but it’s better than another housing estate, I should get one season on the land before the work starts. The land holds plenty of roe, hares ect. The pup will be well exercised before it’s gone that’s for sure.
  19. Your all doomed I say.... all doomed ?
  20. Sometimes I think we over complicate it, a simple fork , rubber and a pouch does just as well in the right hands.
  21. Nice set up you ( and the wife) have there ??. I managed to pick up a swarm last week, can’t beat free bees ??
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