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Mr Wilkes

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Everything posted by Mr Wilkes

  1. You need to get a plastic cone on him ASAP and a spray of antibac on the foot then book him in at vet
  2. How did you break the language barrier ?.
  3. Mmm… he knows his onions. He did say they would make 22”. She looks a nice sort, best o luck with her.
  4. What size did she make blackie ?
  5. I’m very happy with this pup, it’s been emotional ( as they say) at times but everything has started to gel together now. He’s been out with me from day one so his hunting ability is unbelievable, if he knows it’s in a wood then it’s coming out. He hasn’t connected with anything as yet but he ain’t far behind when they break. It’s only a matter of time. He’s made around 27” so with a bit of luck he should stop a thing or two this winter.
  6. Just turned a year old and starting to look the part.
  7. He looks a cracking sort, can’t understand why they are not more popular.
  8. With him being 1/2 Russell was he vocal when hunting/ chasing ?.
  9. Best keep your eye on the thred katchy or it will be gone as fast as it’s put up?… can’t believe I missed one of his pics earlier ?. He does take a good pic …. But ya gotta be quick or it’s gone.
  10. I had a greyhound bitch ready to break ( my tenant is a greyhound man) and a potential lab stud all lined up but as soon as the Covid dog thefts started it put me right off.. the thought of having A litter of pups stolen made me put things on hold… for now.
  11. Managed to mark both queens today, should make seeing them on the frame a lot easier. They’ve been marked with this year’s colour ( white) , I have no idea how old they are as they were both swarm queens.
  12. The retrieve is the icing on the cake ?
  13. I used a Lee mould and a Gee mould from Joe Gibson when I cast my own. I don’t have the time anymore and find it easier to buy steel. What size did you get ?.
  14. It’s all experience for her ??did she feed the nuc ?, I fed this swarm sugar syrup to start with but I’ve stopped now the super has been put on.
  15. Looking good ??, is that from the nuc ? (Obviously that’s grown in size) . I’ve just had to put a super on the Cas bees, can’t believe a swarm can fill out a brood box so quick. There are 5 frames of brood, pollen and nectar/honey and the rest drawn out and filled with honey.
  16. I seriously don’t understand why you put that up….. you know 98% on here don’t leave the house to walk the dog.. even if they had one.
  17. Ahh the old trembling hand eh, i shoot instinctive so don’t suffer from it.
  18. It’s in gods hands now..
  19. Try it, if you are getting hand slap cut them narrower ??
  20. Cheers, I cut it narrower. Same power as a .7 but lasts a lot longer. It’s all about experimenting to find what suits you.
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