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Mr Wilkes

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Everything posted by Mr Wilkes

  1. 10/10 for what its designed for (catching rabbits) but as smithie says its not exactly a poachers tool, not that i do that sort of thing .
  2. wasnt a negative question, but the answer is not hard to see!!!! so what do you hope to achieve with this mating?????
  3. I didnt really think it was worth a reply 2.8 but thanks. Ill keep you informed and theres one there if you want one and can i say any negative questions will not be answerd by myself...
  4. There is a pic in my gallery (not a very good one,she is a lot more athletic than she looks) she has saxaphone express,middlegate,drakeshead in her pedigree. im breeding for myself and this is the 1st time anyone other than max knows about it. i may be counting my chickens but only 2 pups are booked (max and myself).
  5. Yes, as soon as my lab bitch comes in season she will be put to "England Expects". bloody thing should be in season now !.....best laid plans and all that
  6. I cant upload pics on here but check out the ratcatcher in my gallery and make me a offer.
  7. My recomendations are, Books-The Art of Long netting by Harold Wyman, then Long Netting From Peg To Peg by Martin King (a stepped up version of wymans book imo). dont bother with any others (my opinion again). DVDS-Rabbit Long Netting with Brian Brinded (instructional) Ive been told that G Waters has a dvd but i havnt seen it.trawl the net for prices.....
  8. When i decied to take mine off silent the ring tone is "kes" theme tune to the film.
  9. Lovely pup. a pic of parents might help the sale.
  10. Nice pics,a few rabbits there.Guess you left the dogs at home eh.lol
  11. I use traditional tackle, mainly barder. lovely piece of kit to use.
  12. I find most accents amusing...but what i hate is people who end a sentence in a questioning manor !AAARRRGGGHHH !
  13. yes but i have but ive enough with carrying the lads i work with...lol.
  14. cheers tomano1,ive seen quite a few trolly systems with different price ranges but some will be better than others. i wonderd wether anyone on here used one or could recomend a certain one.
  15. Your probably right smithie,why bother going to the trouble of crossing when a pure collie can do just about any task.
  16. Hi, im due to invest in a wfp trolly can anyone recomend one ?.I use the wfp from the van but i need a portable trolly...
  17. reddawn,as you probably know nothing is set in stone with the "longnetting game" and everyones approach to the game is different.i admire your conviction in trying the dog route. i do as you do locally,and know from years of netting my district where to place a net .and one of my most enjoyable drops (local term)produced 3 rabbits...yes only 3 ! but it ment a lot of thought and fieldcraft to be able to get those 3. Romany,you say its bloody hard work "working" a net by oneself, can i ask what yardage were you running (local term) out ?.every year Two of us make the long pilgramige to deepe
  18. Keep us informed on your progress..and any forays out with the nets.
  19. I personally wouldnt consider a 1/2 x collie lurcher (too much desire to catch ), id opt for a collie x gundog or simular.i have experience with labradors and in my opinion they would be perfect crossed with a good working collie. i must say im not knocking collie lurchers and good luck to anyone who trys to train one to the net.
  20. Cant be fairer than that smithie,good advice for anyone starting out
  21. The more i think about it the more convinced i become that it is acheviable with a dog of the right mindset.
  22. Well weve all got our own ideas and heres one of mine,how about food as a incentive ?. you could walk the dog ( it has to be a collie x for me )out into the field and whilst walking back towards the net you could throw food/treats to the left and the to the right whilt giving a command (seek), it wouldnt take a collie type to long pick it up (pardon the pun)....Thoughts anyone ?
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